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Jack Russel Terrier

SS Silv

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you might consider a boston terrier also...most fall into the 15-25lb range....mine is a bit larger at 32lbs but she has a bit more of the older bull terrier in her bloodline as they were bred down to today's standard.

some of the same traits as a jack russel...not as hyper, very smart and very stubborn at the same time...make good small space dogs...excellent hunters also (ive lost count on how many squirrels mine has killed over the years)


good obedience training really needed with this breed and if you get a female they normally do not bark.





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I have owned 3 beagles and I would not trade them for anything. Heres Cleo my most recent @ 4 years. I cannot recomend a Beagle as they need alot of room to run outside and they love to hunt. However if you walk them 2-3 times a day they are fine. Its just a matter of having the time.

I will bring this up as knowone else has yet, decided on a gender yet?

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i had a long hair jrt, walter.......very smart not a jumper really, liked to lick ur face, good with kids and other dogs, they just want u to throw the ball....i used to strap a harness on him and let him pull me on my skateboard (tough little f***er) the only prob was when he was like 2 years old he started peeing in the house and he was so smart that as soon as u noticed it he would bolt for the back door and stay out there till the coast was clear....they r cool dogs with a lot of personality, not super hyper like a lot of people think, like it was said before he would calm down until it was time to play. loved that little dog

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Jack Russels are a lot of work, but they are so much fun imo. My advice is to train it as early as you can. I waited till mine was a few years old and it was a real pain in the but. It's like she was already set in her ways. But overall she is a very good dog. 10 years old and she still runs around like when she was a puppy.


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Jack Russels are a lot of work, but they are so much fun imo. My advice is to train it as early as you can. I waited till mine was a few years old and it was a real pain in the but. It's like she was already set in her ways. But overall she is a very good dog. 10 years old and she still runs around like when she was a puppy.


How is she when she is in the house?

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How is she when she is in the house?


She is in the house all the time and does pretty well. Usually try to play with her every night throwing a ball around. Jack Russels need a lot of exersize. If not they tend to get a little bit of a temper to them.

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we have 2 miniature schnauzers good family dog and full of energy


we were gonna get a jack russel but we just fell in love with the schnauzer


this is blake our male he is full grown weights about 10lbs








Great looking dog! I had a mini schnauzer when I was a young fella. He was an awesome dog. When he was 5 years old though he ended up having kidney failure. Very sad deal. :(


I also had friends who had them and they loved them as well. Both of theirs lived 20+ years.


Can't really speak about JRT, but if ya get a mini schnauzer, I would doubt you would be disappointed.

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