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Pet Peeves


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people who manually fold in power mirrors.


people that think they are safer by driving 20 mph below the spped limit to chat on the phone.


ricers in general.


sham wow guy.


people that say they are going to do something and then don't.


anyone with the first name of heath and last name of holtzen..(this guy needs to be gang raped by a bunch of HIV positive hippos) ...I will beat this guy half to death first chance i get..


non english speaking people wanting equal rights.


people that brag about finding god and then go do a bunch of drugs or commit other felonies.


i'm going to stop now before i start ranting.

ok i'll bite. who is this?

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:lol: Poor Brad! What's that saying again about inlaws and outlaws... :jester:



PM sent


adding this one i almost forgot about...


spending a bunch of money on 1lb. pre-made hamburger patties for my daughters b-day just to have a dip shit make a burger stacking 2 of these just to eat half of it.

Edited by brobradh77 (see edit history)
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People from NY. :jester:




In my vehilces,Feet belong on the floor MAT,no hands on the windows period and no eating!!LOL



I have been saying that for a while. People just don't respect anything anyone has. I don't care if I am driving a festiva. Respect it.



i hate it when people touch the paint after you just clean it and leaves fingerprints.



Or even lean on it like it is a dad gum arm rest!!LOL



when people change lanes for no reason


People who wait till the last possible second to merge even though there were signs a mile back an a huge flashing one


People who honk there horn if you dont go the exact millisecond that the light turns green


People who let there kids play around in the car without seat belts



I hate people who think the freeway is a damn race track and dart in and out of cars with inches to spare.


People who are doing 10mph under the limit and when you pull up next to them they are either eating, texting, doing make up or looking for something on the floor board!


:withstupid: Whew, glad I don't have to repeat those. :uhoh:




A few things I can think of....


-School busses and trucks that drive in the left lane and insist on doing the speed limit


-Tailgaters.....riding my bumper won't make traffic move any faster, GET OF MY AZZ!!!!


-Drivers who randomly brake for absolutely no reason


-Drivers who are in their own world, oblivious to their surroundings, wreaking havoc on all other motorists....look in your mirrors once in a while!


-Drivers who pull out of driveways and sideblocks in front of you at the last second....when nobody is behind you.


-Drivers who do not keep up with the flow of traffic ahead of them


-Elderly drivers, some of them shouldn't be on the road


-Traffic, plain and simple


and last but not least......


-Drivers who do not yield the right of way to emergency vehicles.



Edited by Fireman31 (see edit history)
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o yeah this is work related but people who get into car accidents and come in to rent a car with there car insurance paying for the bill and then get pissed off when we ask for a credit card. Dude we are giving u a car this is not a $200 scooter its a car now give me your damn credit card so i can put it on file and shut up! Oh yeah and people who don't take coverage on rental cars are you serious for $20 you really wanna risk it??? Yeah i know you have your own car insurance but you also have a deductible and you really want your premiums increase because some a$$hole dented the car while it was in a parking lot. And i bet your insurance company does not pay for loss of use!!!! Take the freaking coverage!

Edited by WODY'S GIRL (see edit history)
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o yeah this is work related but people who get into car accidents and come in to rent a car with there car insurance paying for the bill and then get pissed off when we ask for a credit card. Dude we are giving u a car this is not a $200 scooter its a car now give me your damn credit card so i can put it on file and shut up! Oh yeah and people who don't take coverage on rental cars are you serious for $20 you really wanna risk it??? Yeah i know you have your own car insurance but you also have a deductible and you really want your premiums increase because some a$$hole dented the car while it was in a parking lot. And i bet your insurance company does not pay for loss of use!!!! Take the freaking coverage!


So you're pet peeve is :confused: that customers won't take your suggestions? or that customers give you attitude? or that customers don't understand what you need? or that customers are stupid? or that customers take risks that you wouldn't? or that customers don't know better? or all the above? :jester:


Mr. P. :)

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My pet peeve (of the moment) - crappy web forum software that stalls and gives you a few 500 errors a day.

Agreed :jester:


Some of mine are once you perfectly clean your interior and someone gets in and gets dirt all over the entire mat when they could of just left their feet in one spot minimizing the dirt.

Also I hate it when huge semi trucks get in the fast lane and proceed to go 55 in a 65, when they should be in the slow lane.

When you shine you tires and you drive on a muddy or dusty road and they get completely dirty.

Door Dings, and rock chips (mostly worried about my c-10 its perfect and chips easy)

Parking in the middle of no where in a parking lot and then having someone park right next to you.

Theres some more but I cant think of them right now.....

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..once you perfectly clean your interior and someone gets in and gets dirt all over the entire mat ...

:mad: Oh man you hit a nerve - I once helped a forum member with a transmission swap, we went in my truck for lunch and a day later I discovered the floor mats in my truck were soaked/stained in ATF... I was un-thrilled. :fume:


Mr. P. :)

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People playing catch with a hard ass pointed football in the street or parking lot near my cars?? Are you serious? Morons!


Retard drivers who cannot read traffic signs and signals..No comment!!


Fast food employees working the drive thru and cannot speak English..The speaker system is bad enough already!!


Ferrel cats..Teasing my dog 4 feet from the gate...crapping on my lawn in my planters walking through the dirt then on my clean cars!


People who knock on my door trying to sell me something...I don't need a contractor, newspaper, watchtower pamphlet, or my friggn curb painted!!



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