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Remote Starts In The North East!


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We'll just line a bunch of shit up for you...like a working vacation...hows that sound ?? Shaun will pay for all of it of course.


if you are serious, so am i. lets do this. headliners, audio, remote starts, alarms.... what else you got? spring time work for you guys???

hell yeah i am game, i had fun with you guys last summer, i cant say the truck will make it as that would kill me in gas. but I will be there with tools and bells on my toes as well as my NEW SEXY BITCH with me!!! (thats what she calls herself... the BITCH part anyway!!. lets do this!

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if you are serious, so am i. lets do this. headliners, audio, remote starts, alarms.... what else you got? spring time work for you guys???

hell yeah i am game, i had fun with you guys last summer, i cant say the truck will make it as that would kill me in gas. but I will be there with tools and bells on my toes as well as my NEW SEXY BITCH with me!!! (thats what she calls herself... the BITCH part anyway!!. lets do this!



Sounds like a KC GTG taking form. :cheers:

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first off chris does terrible work. his price was way too cheap and everything was done way to quick! :jester: :jester: :jester: hahah. Just kidding, chris did 3 remote starts for me and everything is perfect. he is right you will not even get close to the time and cost if you go to a shop to have these installed. +3 for a great guy and he knows his stuff!

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ill take a suede headliner in the ss and the lightning when you come, also you can either fix or uninstall this pos viper590 i cannot get to work right.


What do you think, should we (and i mean YOU) start a GTG thread for spring so we can start to gauge interest so Chris knows what he's getting in to ?

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  • 10 months later...

I am still here. I am still up for some side work. I have Python Starters now. PM me if interested. as for Maryland, If I can make it worth my while, yes I will make the trip to you. But i would need 2-3 starters to make the trip pay for itself. I looked last night, and i am 220 miles from you. Also, I plan on getting a trip together headed north and make a tour of it.


so I will start planning trips and post em here and see if we can get some xmas gifts done b4 the snow hits.


i look forward to hearin from you soon!

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