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This Is Ridicules

Jesse 05ss

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schools just need to deal with teaching and making sure kids get a good education and screw the rest, everything is so god damn political now-a-days god forbid we don't conform and be 100% politically correct if the parents want the boy to have long hair and he's not out shankin' other 4 yr olds like he's in prison then let it be...

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That is ridiculous! I went to school having long hair and no one gave a sh!t :dunno: The focus needs to be on educating the children of this country. All the money and funding that is supposed to be going into it, and all they can do is bitch about a boy's hair? Give me a break. It is just another way for the educational system to get people side tracked from how much the current teaching staff sucks and how ignorant they actually are nowadays.

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schools just need to deal with teaching and making sure kids get a good education and screw the rest, everything is so god damn political now-a-days god forbid we don't conform and be 100% politically correct if the parents want the boy to have long hair and he's not out shankin' other 4 yr olds like he's in prison then let it be...

:withstupid: i agree


this is why the american school system is messed up and the children are not getting there full education cause they would rather waist all there time and effort on shunning a child that rather teaching he or she. just stupid and waist of time and effort.


its not the military ppl come on sry this just rubbed me the wrong way.

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  • Admin

Thanks for posting this....


Good rules should be followed, bad rules should be challenged.


Isn't this what our forefathers fought to protect? George washington's hair was pretty curly.




But that bastard is a terrorist according to our country now anyway.


Doesn't seem to me that the government should be deciding our kids haircuts lol. Free country... :lol:

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Thanks for posting this....


Good rules should be followed, bad rules should be challenged.


Isn't this what our forefathers fought to protect? George washington's hair was pretty curly.




But that bastard is a terrorist according to our country now anyway.


Doesn't seem to me that the government should be deciding our kids haircuts lol. Free country... :lol:


It makes sense with someone who has Hussein as a middle name and a first close to one of the world's most sought after terrorist, that the constitution would be pretty much abandoned :rolleyes:

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This is f*cking ridiculous. It is a public school! I could understand if it was a privat school. I went to private school my whole life and we had rules similar to follow or we would get in trouble. But this is a public school. I don't care if the kid and his parents want his hair down to his a$$. Let the kid go to school.

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i just graduated last year and here in alabama they r gettin stricter and stricter. im glad i got out when i did! i remember when we had to start wearin uniforms talk about some BS! it ticks me off that they will suspend a kid for no belt or a grey jacket instead of blue! THAT IS WHAT IS GETTING IN THE WAY OF THE KIDS EDUCATION!!!!!! NOT UNIFORM "VIOLATIONS", BUT TEACHERS AND PRINCIPALS WHO B1TCH ABOUT WHAT COLOR SHOES A KID IS WEARING!!!! i say screw uniforms all they do is cause problems and do absolutly nothing towards an education. and the worst part about it is that half the teachers dont give two craps about the students education they rather send them to the office and write them up! i mean think about it, the standards to pass are getting lower and lower and even lower! the grade we had to make on our grad exams was only like a 49!!!! that is a freakin F!!!!!!!!! people always have to make a big deal over nothing cuz they aint got anything better to do with their lives than complain about stupid crap that dont amount to a hill of beans!

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I went to a public school here in NY & there were male students in all grades with long hair. Mohawks, dreadlocks, afros. you name it. If it's not a private school, then why bother trying to enforce a dress code? If a parent wanted their children to have a dress code, they would probably be in a private school...

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IMO that is and Extremely Ridiculous Rule, the teachers and faculty should just worry about teaching the kids instead of regulating there hair length


But rules are rules and the parents should cut the hair, or if they still have a problem they can put him in another school.


I had lots of problems with some of the dress codes and other rules when i was in high school, but i obeyed them


Just my 2 cents

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