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Crazy Night Of Road Rage


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So last night, my wife, our one year old daughter and I took the truck out to get a movie and some food after I changed the rear differential fluid. We start out by doing figure eights to coat the gears and then we shoot over to pick up a redbox movie. After picking up some McDonalds, I pull up to a light to make a u-turn and head back home. The light turns green and I have to make a three point turn since there was some construction going on at that intersection. Before I could complete the u-turn, I noticed that the light for the traffic coming straight turned green. I threw the truck in drive and punched it to get out of their way. Once I reached the speed limit I began to coast and then I noticed a Toyota Tacoma on my ass to the point where I could only see half of his headlights as the other half disappeared behind my tailgate. This pissed me off, but I didn't want to race since the baby was in the truck. As we approached a portion of the road where the right lane must turn right and only one lane goes straight, the a-hole tries to go around me and I just continue to go the speed limit. I'm going about 40 mph and there isn't much road to pass so I figure the guy will see that and back off. Of course not; instead he whips his truck only a few inches in front of my front bumper cutting me off bad. This pissed us off, so I honked and high beamed him. The next light was our turn and I would have left it at that, but he chose to brake check the hell out of me and cause me to almost lose control since it had rained earlier. He tried to take off by making a quick right turn but his inferior V6 allowed me to stay on his ass and have my wife take down his license plate. This whole time he's flipping me off and brake checking me and I'm just hoping he pulls over and wants to throw down. As we go down a completely unlit road, I decide that I should just quit and go home because he's too much of a wuss to stop and let me speak my peace. I begin to make a u-turn to go back home and all I can see is what my HIDs is illuminating. The road was pretty narrow so as I completed the turn I went a little off road and thought a felt a little jolt. Sure enough I get home and there is a quarter sized chip in the paint on my front bumper. There isn't much of a dent so I must not have hit something very rigid, but I'm still pissed. I'm sorry for the ranting and raving, but I just needed to vent. I was wondering if anyone could help me with repairing this chip. Can I just sand the area down and attempt to blend in some paint? I just want it to look decent as I want to get a full paint job in the future. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm growing tired of these punks thinking that just because I am in an SS I think I'm a badass and I want to race them all. I love my truck and I mod it because it is a hobby for me, not to show off. I'm sure you all experience this same thing constantly and are tired of the hating.

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People like that piss me the fuk off :mad: If you got his tag, go to add123.com and you can get more info on him including where he lives. I am sure he would be rather shocked to open the door to you pissed off. Just an idea. Luckily, you didn't have an accident with the family in the truck. As for the paint, can you post a pic of how bad the damage is? You can always spot a touch up with that little bottle of Duplicolor, and blending is a trick best done by the pros. If it pretty deep, it is gonna need some filler, sanding, and maybe finishing putty before the paint too.

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People like that piss me the fuk off :mad: If you got his tag, go to add123.com and you can get more info on him including where he lives. I am sure he would be rather shocked to open the door to you pissed off. Just an idea. Luckily, you didn't have an accident with the family in the truck. As for the paint, can you post a pic of how bad the damage is? You can always spot a touch up with that little bottle of Duplicolor, and blending is a trick best done by the pros. If it pretty deep, it is gonna need some filler, sanding, and maybe finishing putty before the paint too.

What is add123.com? You just put in their plate number?

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sorry to hear your bad night! I know the feeling I love working on my truck for the hobby of it, not to waste my time putting other people in danger on the road. Just glad to hear no one in your family was hurt! Just let it go. There are much better things to worry about.

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Thanks guys for all the responses. After a few days passing I'm very much calmed down now. I agree that I should not have chased the guy. Originally I just followed him so my wife could put his license plate number in her phone but it took a while because the guy was driving like a complete maniac. If I ever see this guy again and I have a chance to speak my mind I at least want to let him know to never cut me off again because my family rides with me. I'm sure he's a young punk who's mad he has to drive an inferior truck, but he needs to know I'm not worried about him and his TuRD. As for the damage to my bumper, one of my good friends who has paint experience is going to come out to my daughters birthday party and see what needs to be done. A few weekends from now we'll get down to business and fix her back up. Well thanks for listening guys and helping me see this prick isn't worth my time or endangering the family and the SS. :cheers:

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