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Saw A Race Wreck


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So the other night I was headed home from work on the freeway thing by my house. As I got on I saw 2 sets of HIDs behind me and just shrug them off. They pass me soon after we got on going about 10 over the limit just messing with each other. One was a silver S2000 and the other was a hatchback mazada3. So we get past the first curve of the freeway and get on a long straight leading to a raised section with a pretty decent curve at the top. They finally start to run each other from a roll and are prob doing 90-100 once they hit the curve. I just kinda laugh as they go and think its stupid b/c there are always cops around there. Anyways, I get to the curve and see what looks like fog then I smell burning rubber and see a set of HIDs looking my way... The S2000 had obviously punched it hard while going through that big curve and lost it. Slammed into the side rail, over corrected and slammed into the guard rail on the other side after pulling a 180 spin. I passed him as soon as I figured out what exactly happened, the guy was getting out of his window looking like he needed a change of pants. Drove by an hour later headed to a bar and the car was completely totaled and there was a single cop car there and no sign of the guy... I bet he was sitting in the back of the cop car kicking himself...


As for the mazda, he got the %&$# out of there, saw him speeding off prob crapping his pants too...


I always hear of bad things happening while street racing but have never seen it 1st hand. Pretty crazy to see the bad that can come out of it.

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damn sucks fo him thats why i dont street race shit happens hahha i street race sometimes i street raced today i beat a trans am it was good timin at red light no cars i beat him by a car lenght some people try to hard with there cars u cant have a street race with taffic i have pretty good luck pullin next to fast cars at stop light i dont know what im tryin to say!!

Edited by chevyss05tx (see edit history)
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