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Progress On Paint

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if you read what i wrote i said that yes the front ended up being a shade different it wasnt the colors that were different it was the clear i bought the most expensive clear that dupont has which is as clear as water and the factory clear if you put it in a clear cup it has a yellowish tint to it where as the dupont premier doesnt yes that particular pic it sticks out but not that much in person and if you read what else i wrote you would have noticed that i said that im going to paint the truck arrival blue soon

Nah man, I read what you wrote but was a little confused because you said the back didn't match because of the clear coat. I assumed the back as in the whole back end, not from the front fender back. The paint looks good but that one pic just really made the different tones stand out. Maybe I also read it wrong but it sounded like you were only going to paint some of the truck Arrival Blue..... Is the whole thing going Arrival?

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Nah man, I read what you wrote but was a little confused because you said the back didn't match because of the clear coat. I assumed the back as in the whole back end, not from the front fender back. The paint looks good but that one pic just really made the different tones stand out. Maybe I also read it wrong but it sounded like you were only going to paint some of the truck Arrival Blue..... Is the whole thing going Arrival?



the clear was set up a little better today but still a little different than the back although it seems like photos definately make it worse than it is i had 4 people looking at it today and they had no idea til i told them and yeah as soon as my work picks up a little im gonna ss kit it and paint the whole truck arrival blue might throw in some more flake

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Looks good, but the diff is still noticeable. :thumbs:


When you go blue on it, are you gonna get a real SS front bumper too?


And when you paint with the blue, Danny is right about technique and pressure. Make sure the compressor is cleaned and drained along with the gun. I would buy a new air hose too. If you get any contaminates you will see spots here and there in the paint. Pearl paint is a mofo to do and match up. You will notice a little difference in the jams from the body as well because of the angles you have to get in there at.

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