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I Got Gas Today...


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Everybody that say's "ewhat, some one else pump my Fuel, That's rediculous!" obviously isn't old enough to remember that was the only way it was prior to the original GAS Crisis in the 70's. Then everybody bitched that htey had to pump htier own or pay more for full serve!!!

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I WILL.. :smash: the fn gas here just went up .12 per gal in under 4 days.. :banghead::banghead:

the commie penis inhalers from up north have got nothing better to do than raise gas prices just because they don't have the IQ of a cockroach on how to balance a state budget, that has been out of control for 10 years.. :sigh:

i say GIVE IT BACK TO MEXICO.. :cheers:






sorry.. back on topic.. :lol:


The State Legislators :yellow_loser: have gas cards at their disposal so the pump price does not bother them!!


Everybody that say's "ewhat, some one else pump my Fuel, That's rediculous!" obviously isn't old enough to remember that was the only way it was prior to the original GAS Crisis in the 70's. Then everybody bitched that htey had to pump htier own or pay more for full serve!!!


I remember those days. You had green flags for even plate days and a red flag for odd plate days and line went on for a while. I could remember my Dad and his buddies filling up drums of gas so we could have enough fuel to race are dirt bikes.

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gas/oil prices are too high IMO. The value of the dollar is part of the problem. Supply and demand have little to do with the price anymore. It's all based on BS stuff like what stupid worthless people think. Demand is down and the economy is going to stay down as long as the price of oil/gas is high. More and more business will move out of the US and jobs will continue to go bye-bye. Shit just cost too much these days because the price of oil has pushed prices up. :mad:

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Its funny to read what people think about oil and gas. Most like on this thread do have a clue when oil and gas prices are high thats when the economy is at its best. this country has more oil than any country ans more natural gas. You can blame the demos for us not just drilling our ass of on our own soil. wow and there is no such thing as a full service station here.

Edited by MIDNIGHTRIDR (see edit history)
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I guess its weird to me, no one seems to be complainin bout gas pricing anymore, are we just used to gettin taken everyday at the pump?


now i have one for all of you that know my truck... In Jersey, its against the law to pump your own gas... anyone see a problem with this?


Go to an american owned station and tell them you want to pump your own or watch them pump to make sure there's no spilling. I go to wawa and tell the kid at the pump to get away from it. :0)

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i cant believe you use that piss gas! raise your octane a bit! yes i noticed!! YUCK!

92 is the highest octane you can get in kansas city douche bigelow, and FYI that gas station is one of TWO in kansas city, and happens to be 30 miles from my house. :(

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