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New Cell Phone Law


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so in austin they just now passed the law banning the use of phones for texting, games, gps AND music while driving. ok wtf??? how in the hell can u give a ticket for changing an mp3 or music on a phone? i mean are u suppose to pull over to change a song? this is SOOOO much bs. wrecks happen from texting ya but most wrecks are just from dumbass drivers not paying attention at all. like looking at a billboard or looking at other cars or just scared to drive.



this is freakin ridiculous!!!!!

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You'd be surprised how many accidents arre caused by people texting or yacking on the phone, it happens everyday, I see it all the time. Cell phone use and texting behind the wheel have been outlawed for over 3 years up here, unless it is hands free.....

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Yeah I have to honk at people almost everyday for one thing or another cell phone related. Pass them and look over and see them looking down at their phone or yelling at someone on the phone. I have even seen people reading books while driving... :crazy:

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Am I the only one who feels that they can completely drive just fine while talking on the phone? Now i do not text or anything else like that when driving since it requires my eyes to not be looking ahead... But I see so many people driving who are just talking on the phone who just seem retarded when doing it. Even some of my friends, just TALKING on the phone, its like they lost all of their driving skills.

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The laws do make sense, there are people who cant drive good at all, but when they are on the phone watch out or youll be playing bumper cars. I bet eventually you will get a ticket if you dont have both hands on the wheel.


Its nice having the bluetooth built into the AVIC D3 :D

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in vegas, this law is for CDL drivers only. my mp3 is through my nav so i don't have a problem. plus i just downloaded an app that you speak to and it puts it into a text. just work around the law...you may own a gun, but you won't go and shoot somebody.

Edited by WODY™ (see edit history)
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its been in effect for a while here. imo i think its a good law , 9/10 people cant keep their attention on the road while doing anything on a phone or similar device. So it does make sense .



:withstupid: Mother fukers going 15mph cuz they are on the phone or texting......

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You'd be surprised how many accidents arre caused by people texting or yacking on the phone, it happens everyday, I see it all the time. Cell phone use and texting behind the wheel have been outlawed for over 3 years up here, unless it is hands free.....


I am with Dan on this one, in 2003 me and my wife was in a cell phone related accident where the other driver was on a phone and ran a stop sign. I seen her coming and tried to swerve to miss her but I was going about 50 mph and it was too late. Almost T-boned the other car and done over $5000.00 in damage to my truck. She was from out of state and even got out of the car with the phone to her ear. So the laws have been passed for a good reason. IMO

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IMO there should be a national law against cell phones. U should only be allowed to have hands free cell phones in a car. too many times I've had runs ins with cell phone people. Drives me crazy and I'm not on the roads as much as others as I work from home lol. Crazy people out there :cheers:

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