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Camaro Crash


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"Swerved" to miss a car turning in front of him my ass, that is more like "catapoulted into a pole". That SOB was flying to do damage like that, good thing there wasn't a passenger or there would definitely have been a fatality. He was probably bearing down on the other motorist like a bat out of hell, and when the other motorist didn't see him and started to turn he had no choice, since he was going waaaaay too fast to stop short. :idiot: Speed + inclement weather = BOOM! :nonod:


I bet alcohol was involved. :wtf:


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"Swerved" to miss a car turning in front of him my ass, that is more like "catapoulted into a pole". That SOB was flying to do damage like that, good thing there wasn't a passenger or there would definitely have been a fatality. He was probably bearing down on the other motorist like a bat out of hell, and when the other motorist didn't see him and started to turn he had no choice, since he was going waaaaay too fast to stop short. :idiot: Speed + inclement weather = BOOM! :nonod:


I bet alcohol was involved. :wtf:


Isn't it always?


Someone else who thinks just because they own a sports car they can drive like Mario Andretti on the streets and that weather doesn't affect them. Lucky as hell to walk away from that.

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Holy hell I didnt expect to see the car split down the middle in the 3rd pic. That guy is definately lucky to be a live. Im sure hell get an new Camaro out of this cuz that is a definate total.


I cant believe the pols was still standing after that cuz most poles are usualy made to snap around the base in case somthing like that happens.

Edited by firehawknwv (see edit history)
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