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Brand New Battery Died While I Was Away


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So I finally made it back to town from New Orleans :D

...I'll say I left the French 1/4 at about 5am Monday morning and leave it at that


Anyway - I get home and my battery is dead. This battery is about 1 month old. Truck has 125k on it and its the original alternator.


I was thinking the alternator was going bad anyway and one day my aeroforce gauge was reading only 12 volts. Havent had any issues with it since though.



Could the alternator be the issue and cause a draw like this? I was gone for 5 days...


The only other thing that has been installed electronically is the aeroforce gauge and the fuel psi switch that comes from a 5v source on the headlight switch.


Any help is greatly appreciated.



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No one?


I'm going to charge the battery tonight and see whats up with it. Any ideas on how to test the alternator, other than having Autozone bench test it?


I've heard you can disconnect the positive side of the battery after starting and the truck should run like normal if the alt is good....



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I put a meter on the battery last night - 3.5volts....I didn't even know that was possible.


Any who - charged it up and the truck started fine - gauge was reading 14.5 volts.


Going to check it again when i get home and then run up and have Azone check the alternator.


If thats it, I'm def upgrading to the 145.


Thomp - what went wrong with your red tops? I thought these were great?? I'd much rather have it be the battery - again, this one is about a month old


Thanks guys

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funny how people blame Optimas. I have run them for YEARS without problems. I have 2 in the truck now and no issues. take care of them and they will serve you well for years to come. BUT like any battery, deep cycle it and its gone. you will get more life out of it than a wet cell, but they arent indistructable as some think they are.


I keep my truck on a trickle charger every minute its not running. overkill? Sure, but just like an oil change, its call maintaining a vehicle. with all of the electronics in our new vehicles, they will die overtime.

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funny how people blame Optimas. I have run them for YEARS without problems. I have 2 in the truck now and no issues. take care of them and they will serve you well for years to come. BUT like any battery, deep cycle it and its gone. you will get more life out of it than a wet cell, but they arent indistructable as some think they are.


I keep my truck on a trickle charger every minute its not running. overkill? Sure, but just like an oil change, its call maintaining a vehicle. with all of the electronics in our new vehicles, they will die overtime.

I'm sure it would be a pain in the ass if your truck dies. Would you loose all of your audio settings? It always sucked for me when my truck died because I would have to reset everything on my head unit, but I am sure it's easier for you to do yours.


On the other hand, my truck has never died since I installed a yellow top 3 years ago. I also have 125k on the truck.

Edited by SS Silv (see edit history)
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I have an optima and I had same problem once. Had it for 2 months then I left the truck sit for one month one time and it was dead I recharged it and it hasn't done that ever since maybe something from the truck stayed on who knows.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm going to re-visit this.


I had everything tested on the truck a while back. They replaced the optima and I've been unplugging my aeroforce gauge.


Today I went out to start the truck and it was dead (6.2volts) - last started it on Saturday when I drove it to pick something up.


There's got to be a current draw somewhere...they tested the alt at autozone but said it seemed fine.


I'm still leaning that way but I don't want to just dump a couple hundo on something that wont fix this issue.


Any more ideas?


Thanks again

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do you have any stereo equipment , is the radio shutting off when you turn the truck off is there a light that could be drawing power, i dunno theres so many electrical things its so hard to find, the real only way is to start pulling fuses.

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do you have any stereo equipment , is the radio shutting off when you turn the truck off is there a light that could be drawing power, i dunno theres so many electrical things its so hard to find, the real only way is to start pulling fuses.


Only thing I have is a pioneer p4000dvd - but its been in the truck for over a year and im just now having this problem.


No new electrical mods other than the Aeroforce gauge and the fuel psi sensor - Which I've unplugged...

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