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World's Largest Chevy Truck Parade - Help Set A World Record!

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Hi everyone! Just wanted to spread the word - Heinrich Chevrolet in Buffalo, has been approved by Guinness World Records to make an attempt at setting the record for the "World's Largest Parade of Chevy Trucks". So...now we need to find as many Chevy trucks as we can! The event will be held on March 28th, in Lockport NY. We encourage anyone with a Chevy truck to register and come attend the parade! It doesn't cost a thing to register, and we'll be giving away prizes and awards to everyone that attends. With live music, food, and a truck pull contest going on after the parade, we think this could be a great event for everyone. We already have over 100 registered and all proceeds from the event will be donated to Hospice! We're open to more ideas for the event as well, so if you have any thoughts, send them our direction.


Check out http://chevrolettruckmonth.com for more details.


Note: The truck owner that travels the furthest distance to attend the parade is guaranteed a free Carhartt and also gets to lead the parade.

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Sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity to me, I'm in! 2 hrs away isn't bad. We should try to have all the SSS meet somewhere beforehand so we can all be together and get to know each other a bit too! It would be badass to see a line of 30 SSS in a row.......

Edited by Stg313 (see edit history)
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I'm kind of tempted to do this. Might be cool and interesting. Not sure about the weather in Buffalo or inbetween though this time of year.




on second thought.... 8 hour drive and most likely a hotel is a turn off.

Edited by KJT13 (see edit history)
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I'm kind of tempted to do this. Might be cool and interesting. Not sure about the weather in Buffalo or inbetween though this time of year.




on second thought.... 8 hour drive and most likely a hotel is a turn off.


Ya it would be cool but it's to long of a ride for me.. :mad:

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Ah this thread is dissapointing! I was really hoping that a bunch of yall would want to go! I plan to go no matter what but it would really be a lot more fun if we had a bunch of SSS in a row!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I went to the parade today and it was really a lot of fun. Unfortunately the Guiness people wouldnt let us make a record for just chevy trucks, they wanted all chevy vehicles included. Anyways, we were 30 trucks short of their stupid record. Some other company whos name I dont know is also a world record keeper type thing is going to accept the parade. I was also kinda sad, I had the only SS there! Not even a tbss....... Oh well, still a good time! Ill post up some pictures once I get them uploaded and such. Probably going to join that photobucket site too........

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