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Leaving Sss.com For Good.


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If you are a man and post 'leaving SSS.com for good', BYE!


A ban would be a reminder of his decision to be a martar and leave the site. enjoy your virgins :)



and guys would rather bitch about Poltics than ANY truck mods. Guys who are building stuff dont come here to post.


Please explain? :confused:

more respected as in he is seen on here more than you, and the SS is 10 years old, you might check over at lightningrodder.com, i dont remember seeing any of those roll of the line lately. there should be changes made to make the site more functional and bring people here; or get more to stay, but its the same cookie cutter format for the most part. we dont even have a chat room. and the correct spelling is martyr, just an fyi

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OBAMA CAN SUCK MY HAIRY BALL SACK, worst pres. the USA has EVER had.


is not a discussion on Health care or any topic. It is a defamation of our president and while I dont care how you feel about him, I do care if it causes our car club to divide about a subject I dont care about.

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and guys would rather bitch about Poltics than ANY truck mods. Guys who are building stuff dont come here to post.


Disagree. I've seen 240z forums with tons of action, as well as numerous others with older vehicles who's site doesn't decline. Yea the SS is more limited and we have other members that don't even drive/own an SS, but there are other reasons for the decline in this site. There seems to be a pretty active build section and lots of questions still going on about the trucks last time I checked :dunno: But in this shitty economy, it's not like we all have money to go throw on some turbos and build a badass truck.


And I like to learn more about the motors and trucks as I go along, but bitching about politics, the weather, or whatever it may be is not would I would rather do. It's just conversation among friends made here.

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is not a discussion on Health care or any topic. It is a defamation of our president and while I dont care how you feel about him, I do care if it causes our car club to divide about a subject I dont care about.


I didn't see anyone leaving because he made the Obama comment, just because of the way certain things get handled. And even when healthcare was the discussion when a member asked for info, the thread still got locked because it was considered political.


And as far as JaymzSS statement goes directly, I disagree with it but don't hold it against him, nor did I fight about it. I just wouldn't want that guy near my sack, nor my money, or in my city :jester:

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I had an impala SS and the site was awsome...as the impala got into being older the cars were on second and third owners...its hard to be on the cutting edge the third time over.




13 User(s) are reading this topic ? But when a guy was tracking down his ground issue there were very few guys helping him?

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I had an impala SS and the site was awsome...as the impala got into being older the cars were on second and third owners...its hard to be on the cutting edge the third time over.




13 User(s) are reading this topic ? But when a guy was tracking down his ground issue there were very few guys helping him?


sorry there Mr. Infinite wisdom, but I was an electrician for GM for nine years, and fixing an electrical problem in person is often difficult, let alone over the internet. Even worse if you give the guy the wrong advice and he fries a $1k harness....

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I had an impala SS and the site was awsome...as the impala got into being older the cars were on second and third owners...its hard to be on the cutting edge the third time over.




13 User(s) are reading this topic ? But when a guy was tracking down his ground issue there were very few guys helping him?


I could be the 30th owner of a ride, but if I had money, I would be doing stuff to it and tellin ppl about it. If it was all about cutting edge, old school rides wouldn't be as popular and there would be new forums poppin up all over the place for new cars.


And for the ground issue, I don't know that off the top of my head, nor had my truck around to even check. I wouldn't expect everyone to know where they go to. It's not like a how do you drain the oil kinda question. Not all of us here are total gearheads and know everything, but there are always people on here willing to help. If no one knows, why really post if it doesn't help the guy?

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....fixing an electrical problem in person is often difficult, let alone over the internet. Even worse if you give the guy the wrong advice and he fries a $1k harness....




now woooossssaaaaaahhhhhhhhh homeslice. Don't you have work to do, or get that Mary Kay edition SS up and runnin, or are there no badgers around anywhere and you're just bored :jester:

Edited by SSplaytoy (see edit history)
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I just started to mod my truck as money has been tight and I have way too many projects going on. I would like to say that the guys here have been so helpful and I am thankful to have this forum as an outlet.


As someone who hasnt been on the site for a long time, I find it very useful and hope to see the senior members stay to help people like myself with their trucks.


Thanks for everything.

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I just started to mod my truck as money has been tight and I have way too many projects going on. I would like to say that the guys here have been so helpful and I am thankful to have this forum as an outlet.


As someone who hasnt been on the site for a long time, I find it very useful and hope to see the senior members stay to help people like myself with their trucks.


Thanks for everything.




I joined back in 08. As there might not be as many "projects" as their used to be as I keep hearing, there still are some. Its hard to dump the money everyone wants to in their truck in this economy. How can someone have a project when they post up " Just lost my job, any ideas for another?"


Me on the other hand, im short on time. Weekends is the only time I even see my truck, and sometimes I dont even get to see it then. So its hard to post progress pics. I have made some pretty damn good friends on this site, a good handful I hang with quite often since joining and getting to know everyone. One guy in particular that invites myself and others to their house for dinner, drinks, and to just bullshit almost every weekend. Others have takin time out of their busy scheduals to help with my project when really they can say they are too busy. All that I have met on this site. Sure, it might not be the same site as 4 years ago but things change. Im not sure what it takes to make changes to a web forum, but I look around at other forums and they make ours look ...well boring I guess you can say.

Edited by 2BFAST (see edit history)
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