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Leaving Sss.com For Good.


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Dear Zippy:


What are the complaint proceedures for filing a complaint when a member of www.silveradoss.com has grievence against an adminstrator? I think it would be best for all of the members of the web site if personalities are left out of this and the issue at hand is focused on. Please post the appropriate proceedures so that the members may hopefully have some closure to this issue. Thank you.



There are a few admins. Send one of the other admins a pm and it will be reviewed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is my take on this.......


You formed your opinion and stated what you felt in that thread, subsequently you had your peepee smacked because of your remark. It is time to man up and deal with it IMO. Yes there is alot of BS that goes on here including the fact that we are like the red-headed step child of this family of web forums, but there is abosolutely nothing you can do about it. As my Dad says "It is what it is, make due with what you have." I understand you are unhappy, believe me, I wish somethings were different here too. To just get up and leave it all behind you is a bit drastic. Think of how we all feel. We are all a family here if you think about, and you just running off because you are pissed at some of the staff here is like a slap in the face, like the rest of us(your family) do not even matter. Think about what you are doing, that's all I am saying.


Lastly, to condemn all of the Mods isn't right either. The mods have a very hard job and get stuck in some very difficult positions, but they have a responsibilty to keep the forum in order. They are doing their jobs plain and simple, but it sucks that they have to play Devil's Advocate sometimes. We also tend to forget that they are human just like the rest of us.......

:withstupid: I'm an admin on another site, and it can be a thankless job sometimes. Here's the kicker, you don't get paid for it. We all have bad days, or certain things that rub us the wrong way, so we step over the line at times. Doesn't make it right, but it happens. I think the only rule we really need is respect. Treat each other with respect.
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