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Ssorry I Been So Quiet!


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sorry i been so quiet. been busy as shit. got a new job working for Thomas and Betts in their Controls division. its right up my alley, just a lil bit more than 12 volts now, namely we work with up to 50,000 volts on a daily basis. but its funn as hell. they have me working 12 hour days, and possibly weekends too. but the money is decent and it keeps me out of trouble.


then about 3 weeks ago, i had some friends here from Iowa, was busy with them, last week my Daughter was here From Iowa, and woke up to 5 god dammmmm feet of water in my basement so it ruined her spring break for a few days, but she hung in there for me and we ended up having fun with each other.


So needless to say, we are lookin for a new place and its gonna be a madhouse for a while, but i am here. I will be lurking, I WONT be making any more waves, the drama seems to follow my sarcasm. soo with that all said,



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