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Small Busniss Insurance/ Heathcare Help?


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any other small busniss owners/managers on here??.. im curious what others are doing for insurance. i have about 35 employes and we have blue cross blue shield..and whats covered is great..but we dont have dental or vision coverage.. are they just raised the rates againnnn...for a single person its $793 for a couple its $1905..and for a family its $2302:jawdrop2: and now they wanna know why most of are employees dont have coverage even tho they make 40 to 50k a year..who the hell can afford that??? so like i said im curious to see what others have and pay..

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I have FIIWFII. F**k it, it will fix itself, insurance.


I'm too broke, don't have a stable job at a company anymore, and it's only gonna get worse I believe as far as costs are concerned. Those numbers are high not to have vision and dental too. A buddy of mine pays a little over 900 and gets total coverage. I can't remember which company he has it through though. I just know it goes through the university.

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I own a small buisness and would love to talk to you about it, however the conversation would get poltical and the thread would be locked so PM me if you want.


Same here.


The cost for bcbs is MUCH higher in Mi than Az. Like OVER TWICE as much!!!!!


Good thing its bein "fixed"



Ok, I better stop now.

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small business = very little power to get lower rates. Big companies usually pay less because they have bargaining(sp?) power with more employees. Hate to say it but insurance is going to get more expensive. Glad they past that useless bill haha :jester:

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please keep it civil and its not gonna get locked...insurance, health care, terrorists...knock yourselves out, just not each other.




To the OP, I feel your pain. I was uninsured for a few years while I was unemployed and the cost to keep my insurance @cost or what ever discounted rate was 300% of my unemployment benfits!


I feel kids should have the best insurance in the world...every kid in this country.

I feel with reform in insurance we could have $$ to insure alot more people, but as it sits insurance companies make too much money to allow any change.

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Wow MI is sticking it to you. In TX the rates are reasonable. We finally went with an agent as a consultant and they give some of the commission rate back. We also went to a $2000 deductable. We pay $1000 of that if someone meets their $1000 deductable. I think we had 1 person that reached the deductable last year. We have about 40 employees and using those 2 methods we save a ton.

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Luckily I get mine through my wife's company. I have heard that there are some insurance deals online that put you in a group with other small businesses to get the same discounts as big companies. I saw it on the news a couple years ago and looked into it and it seemed reasonable. You might be able to find it with some hunting.

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