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I Got Voles


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I'm needing to know the best solution to get rid of VOLES.

2 years ago we bought a new home, It's only a 5K sqft lot. We had it sodded and I even sprung for a sprinkler system. Everything was looking TITZ


Well in the fall I started finding critters in our (I'll call them window wells, It's a home with a basement). So I began putting poison cakes/bars in the "Wells" then ended up moving on to the pellet rifle. after researching the web I now know they are VOLES, I bet I removed over 50+ since fall.


So since the snowfall has came and went and I am no longer finding "VOLES" in the "wells", they have discovered the lawn and began eating the lawn up making trails. It's bad but I'm sure it could be worse.


Question is...

Does this crap work?

Liquid Fence 166 Mole and Vole Repellent


Or is there something better?


I also read that your better off getting them to leave your yard rather then trying to kill them because the reproduce quicker then rabbits.








The Damage They Do...






Thanks for your time.

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best repellent I have found so far for voles is moth balls. Spread them out about 2 feet apart 3 inches underground.





Thanks ShortBus.



I'd try that if I had any planters, We really don't have many shrubs or flowers yet. Problem is the lawn like pictured above. It would take a shitload of moth balls to cover the lawn. :D

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