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Fleet Management- I Need Help !


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I got a promotion at work, and I'm needing some help. Does anyone here have any experience with Fleet Management ?


I just got promoted to fleet manager for a shipping and delivery company. We have a fleet of 86 trucks and vans.


I was asked to come up with a efficient way to get our fuel logs and reciepts to the corporate office. Can anyone chim in how they've done it ? Or any ideas ?


Right now were copying all the receipts from each vehicle, then emailing that. Then we ship the receipts via Fedex. I'm not sure how to make it more efficient than it already is.


The only Idea I can think of is E-fax, but that's pretty similier to what we're doing already.


Any help would be much appreciate, I don't want to lose my promotion hehe..




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depends on how your paying for them . if you have a company credit gas card then it may be alot easier.


our company uses a company card . when we go to use it . there is a prompt that gets the vehicle mileage and driver # . each card is assigned to a certain vehicle.


we then get the bill with each transaction and it is in vehicle order . so putting everything together is done by the credit card pretty much .


if you could get it inline with that , it would be a simple copy and paste or as easy as forwarding.

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I agree with Chase, we use a similar system(might even be the same).....


You need to go to upper management and inquire about a fuel card program. I manage a 25 unit fleet of Chevrolet vans, and each has a fuel card. Our entire fleet goes through Enterprise, and our Bean Counter gets a monthly fuel bill. The bills are layed out by card number, and each vehicle is assigned a card number. Our drivers all have a pin number unique to themself that will work with any card. Along with entering the pin number at the gas pump, they are also required to enter the vehicles mileage, which is shown on the monthly invoice, along with the driver's ID who filled the tank. We do not have any issues with receipts or e-mails, the bills go to the proper person, and he deals with them accordingly. I cannot think of a simpler way.....

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Thanks everyone for chiming in.


We do have a fuel card system. Each truck is assigned a daily check list ( fuel, tire pressure, fluids etc ) along with a gas card pin# and of course they enter the mileage.


But they're still asking me to provide the original receipts every monday, as well as fax it in every monday. Doesn't this seem redundant ?

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They are outdated expense rules requiring original receipts. you need to tell them to change this as part of the modernization. The only reason for this is for fraud prevention and, this is already covered by pin# and Credit Card company. Someone hasn't changed with the times. Your company is wasting money requiring this when the CC company is providing this already. You could possibly gain points by "improving the efficiency" and "reducing costs" and making your "employees more productive" by not having to submit originals.


The large Multi-national corporation I work for gives us all Amex's and never requires a original receipt. It's all electronic. and that's Airline, hotel's rental cars, meals, taxi's whatever we spend for business.

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