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3 Odd Facts About Yourself

SS Silv

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1. I am extremely Creeped out by baby birds


2. I wish I was a Film Director/ Writer but i have no writing skills what so ever


3. I have a bunch of movies completely memorized every word (Gettysburg, Dune, Monty Python and the Holy Grail and more..)

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1 - I have an odd underlying fear of clowns :eek:


2 - I am a neat freak, I cannot stand filth or disorder :crazy:


3 - I hate seeing children hurt, sick, abused, or neglected :mad:



And you love your Grass :wtf:

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1) I change oil and tires all day at work...and love it.


2) I am extremely empathetic towards most animals....more than people.


3) I have an OCD about light switches.....sometimes I'll turn one off or on and walk away, then start thinking it didn't "feel" right(like it didn't flip all the way down or up), then walk all the way back to make sure.:banghead:

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1.) I have this odd fear of Rebar. Whether its sticking out of something or laying dormant. I think I saw too many movies in the 80s/90s with guys getting impaled that in my subconscious I must think that I will one day fall and impale myself. So, I keep my distance.


2.) I too am the last male of my name but not 100% I want to have children. I plan on having my family crest/coat of arms tattooed this spring. A plan of mine for years.


3.) I am anal to where everything has its place and can't understand "where are my keys?" or "where did I put (this or that)?" Where you left them is where they should always go. Even worse than that though is the kitchen. I hate kitchen clutter. Especially the sink. I get to the point where if I do the dishes and a single spoon gets put in the sink minutes later, it has to get washed.

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1 ) i can remember every phone number ive had as well as old friends house numbers


2 ) i hate spending money on something i cant show for it .


3 ) doing something expensive is worth doing right get the best and be done with it .

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