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San Antonio Ghost


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well this past weekend i went to San Antonio TX. i had the chance to meet nelson performance but any way i don't know if ya heard about the ghost tracks in the south side of san antonio it says that some time ago a school bus with elementry kids broke down there and the train killed some of them and well they changed the neighborhood street's names to the names of the kids that died. anyway they say that now if you go there and turn off your vehicle before the tracks and put it in neutral the kids (ghosts) will push you over so we tryed it exactly at midnight and it did our vehicle started moving, ya might think that its downhill and thats why the car moves but no! actually its uphill till you pass the tracks it goes down hill into a curve and well you have to turn quickly if not you go straight to the mesquites. we tryed it on friday the night i got there but then i read online that if you put powder on the car you can see the handprints so we bought some baby powder and went back on sunday night and there was a lot of people there trying this im talking about people from Houston, LA, Dallas, even Mexico City. . so we did it and yes we all saw little handprints on our car everyone was around the car and well we couldn't believe it i don't know how to explain it and im still researching about this it trips me out i don't believe in ghosts or anything like that but this really got me thinking.. anyway i just wanted to share this with ya and well ask if anyone on here has tried it or has a logical explanation for it..

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i've heard this story..here is whats happening..SPOILER ALERT....The baby powder just adheres to all the hand prints all over your car from you and everyone else touching it..the rail road crossing is an illusion..it looks flat or uphill but it actually runs down hill (used survey equipment to verify this)...I saw a show on how this works.

Edited by brobradh77 (see edit history)
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i've heard this story..here is whats happening..SPOILER ALERT....The baby powder just adheres to all the hand prints all over your car from you and everyone else touching it..the rail road crossing is an illusion..it looks flat or uphill but it actually runs down hill (used survey equipment to verify this)...I saw a show on how this works.


:withstupid: that story is all OVER texas. we have the same exact story and have done it many times. its in austin, cedar park, college station, hutto etc.. theres a lot of places ppl say the story is from. as brad said, rail road ties and spikes create an arc at crossings due to run off water etc.. any vehicle will move when sitting on the crossing.

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yea ya might be right i still don't believe about ghost or anything like that but that tragedy did happen they even changed the street names but like it's still weird to me lol

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Heard this,I dont believe it all that but who the heck knows,it may be real

Next time,I would wash the vehicle and put a nice coat of wax on it and remove wax with a microfiber towel.Then put baby powder on the vehicle If it will stay after the wax job. This will ensure there are no finger or hand prints before you go.

I would not mess with it personally,if they are real,those damn things can jump in the vehicle with you.You can't run from them :blink:

Edited by Wheatley (see edit history)
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easy to solve ... it says it has to be midnight for it to work so go park on it other than midnight and see if it moves , if it moves other then midnight its down hill ...done.


i've seen videos of it an people have tryed it during the day too and it worked to me its up hill. i don't know whatever it is it's weird

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i've seen videos of it an people have tryed it during the day too and it worked to me its up hill. i don't know whatever it is it's weird


go back to the crossing and put a big level on the ground....its like a 2 degree slope from what i've read

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go back to the crossing and put a big level on the ground....its like a 2 degree slope from what i've read


yea i thought about it but didn't have time to go back maybe next trip

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Reminds me of "Sweet Hollow Road" on Long Island kinda same story but there was a camp that had a tragedy and supposedly the same thing happens if you put baby powder on your car and park by the camp. Also a story here where ghost kids will push your car




Edited by WODY'S GIRL (see edit history)
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Reminds me of "Sweet Hollow Road" on Long Island kinda same story but there was a camp that had a tragedy and supposedly the same thing happens if you put baby powder on your car and park by the camp. Also a story here where ghost kids will push your car

there is a lot of old ghost stores around Long Island. most date back to the Revolutionary war, and before..

here is Sweet Hollow Rd..




Lake Ronkonkoma has had it's share of story's about people drowning in the lake, and there body's being found in Long Island sound.


ghost of the princess of the lake..had the story on my pc, i'll see if i can find it..





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there is a lot of old ghost stores around Long Island. most date back to the Revolutionary war, and before..

here is Sweet Hollow Rd..




Lake Ronkonkoma has had it's share of story's about people drowning in the lake, and there body's being found in Long Island sound.


ghost of the princess of the lake..had the story on my pc, i'll see if i can find it..






damn this is crazy i don't believe in any paranoral activity but i do get into this sometimes its fun i should become a ghost buster lol

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