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Dad Passed Away


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I know I'm not on here much anymore, but I still felt like I needed to tell you guys. Plus...I haven't really talked about it, so it might help me a little. Dad died unexpectedly in his sleep last Sunday morning...July 4th. We had no warning. He played 18 holes of golf with mom on Friday, and went out to eat. On Saturday he and mom went swimming, he cleaned the pool, and he walked with mom while she watered her plants. He came out of his room around 11pm Saturday night to get something to eat and a pop. Me and mom were watching a movie. I got up Sunday and went to work. Got a call around 10:30am from my brother telling me to come home....about the same time, my friend Eric(who's a volunteer firefighter), came around the corner and told me they just toned out an ambulance to my address.....60 some year old male, unresponsive, cold to the touch. Mom found him....she was doing her morning routine and noticed he hadn't changed positions during the night. I'm glad Kevin was home...wish I had been. When I got home he was still laying the way mom found him. He was relaxed...so I don't think he felt any pain. He just went to sleep and didn't wake up. When the coroner got the paper work done with mom, he went in the bedroom and took dad's sleep apnea machine off him, and rolled him over to let us see him one more time. Blood had pooled on the side he was laying on and Kevin said rigamortis had set in. I didn't realize how long the coroners process is. It took a hour or so before they took Dad out. A few neighbors were there and a ton of EMTs. Dad was the director of the ambulance service here for about 10 years. The ambulance service did a big procession to the cemetery for him...I think Kevin said it had 13 firetrucks and ambulances. And me, Mom and Kevin rode in the back of the first ambulance Dad ever bought for the county when he took over the ambulance service. He was cremated, and mom carried the urn. They had put a bunch of black ribbons on the ambulance and blacked out the light bar. All the ambulances already have decals on them saying "In memory of Don Adams 1947-2010". I don't think Dad knew how many people respected him. They even pulled out their old uniforms that Dad made them wear years ago for the funeral. People that he fired showed up in uniform. Anyhow....I'll stop. Like I said, I felt like I needed to tell you guys. If anyone is interested in watching the slide show they played at the service, you can watch it here....video.


Sorry for the long post....

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