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Woodward 2010


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I'm not surprised. Whenever we have tried to get everyone together, it seems half the people have other obligations or something else. Sometimes there are just higher priorities in the Detroit area. Or, a couple say they can't make it, and more back out. The biggest get together I've been to was when Zippy was in town doing some tuning. It was Zippy, Joe, ImposterSS, and myself down at some garage on a cold winters day. There were the Zippy events a couple years back, but even the last one only had a few attend and I was one of those who couldn't make those.

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was just out...man its busy!!

I am tied up till 7:30, and heading to the orielys(sp) at the east side/northboud side of woodwoard at 11mile? I know stewart posted the correct info.


I saw a blue G8 that sounded mean as hell tonight!

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Man was it packed last night. I think it's time they start admitting it is a week long event! Took over an hour to get from Pontiac to 12 mile and over an hour to get back home. Birmingham is where it seems to get choked down, 14-15mile areas. Some lady got hit and killed by a Smart Bus in Birmingham last night too, that didn't help things.


It was good to see my old truck. I really miss it. It is in really good hands though, so I am happy about that. Maybe one day after the wife and I get her through law school, we will buy another one and build it.

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