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Hello everybody - as usual a lot to share, and this time I NEED YOUR HELP:


I have heard through a few gents that many of you wonder what the hell happened to me, and a few friends question if I am alright; the answer to that is, I'm OK and hanging in there - for the moment. Have I forgotten/abandoned you all? The answer is DEFINITELY NO! But I do still have to remain off-grid so expect my involvement online to remain zilch. I am completely embroiled in an expensive, ugly, protracted legal battle. Because of this I am not at liberty to divulge much on this or any other public forum. Unlike my past involvement in the SSS community, I must continue to hold my cards pretty close to the vest.


For the next few months, I ask everyone to NOT DISCUSS ME IN ANY WAY ON THIS OR ANY OTHER FORUM, because other outside parties are attempting to monitor me from a distance. Please do not speculate, wonder, or discuss what you may (or may not) know about me, what I am doing, where I am going, activities I am involved in, etc. At this moment in my life it is important that I maintain my online privacy. You are all still welcome to telephone me directly (as always) and I do want to preserve and foster the tremendous friendships that I have made here in the SSS world, just please keep my life particulars off the internet for the time being, probably until the holidays.


If you want to know how I'm doing, CALL ME AND ASK!!! LOL


Contacting me - I did get my cel finally turned back on in March, the number is the same 254-413-3733. I am VERY busy, but I do try to return all the calls I recognize on my caller ID. I abandoned the [email protected] email account, as I do not have internet access to check it regularly - my employer has very strict internet firewalling and I have limited internet access outside work. So the best way to contact me is text message (best method) or call me; don't bother leaving a voice mail, I never hear them, I instead just check my missed calls list and dial back.


HPM and EFan Kits: I am still providing warranty coverage of the HPM Torrent EFan Kits, so if you are a customer and have an issue call me! Fortunately, (tooting my own horn here) the HPM Torrent Efan Kits are proving absolutely rock solid, there has only been a single small potential issue in the last 18-months, and that was on the '99-02 pilot/prototype efan harness which has been corrected - lesson learned! (Thanks Mitch :pepsicheer: ) There are no efan kits availabe for shipping (sorry). I cannot do a group purchase at this moment, I do want to organize an EFan group purchase *hopefully* before winter - as soon as I can save enough $$$ to kick-off the group purchase then that will happen including: offering a single-cab kit (for GM trucks with standard sized radiator shroud), offering a DuraMax-specific kit, and offering a wiring harness appropriate for use in the '99-02 trucks! Dodge Hemi Ram and SRT-10 kits - still haven't gotten any donor trucks to use as guinnea pigs, sorry.


So. Here is what I can tell everyone openly about what I've been doing these last 9-months.


For those familiar with my prior family business dealings, the dysfunctional relationship between my father and me ran its course and completely soured, we are out of each others' lives (a positive thing). I remained unemployed the last 2/3rds of 2009, surviving on savings and slowly selling off what I owned. In January, I landed a job at a small company you might have heard of called JCPenney hahaha - mainframes, thousands of Windows servers, petabytes of data, I'm in heaven lol. The instant I got my job the state increased my child support to a couple grand a month (after taxes ugh), I was no longer able to pay my bills and lost my home, had to sell almost everything else I owned short of my clothes, my daily driver, and the truck. I moved myself and my cat into a one bedroom apartment in the north Dallas area near work.


I am now caught up on all my past bills and obligations, doing well at work, and have found a great woman in my life. Everything is looking up *except* for the legal battle I am entangled in. So for now I must focus on getting clear of that hurdle, and continue to keep my life details much more private than usual, because lots of prying eyes are watching.


Truck status - the blower has been installed on the truck quite a while now, and physically is great, in fact I've put 5K-miles of daily-driving on it over this last year. But sadly I've not done anything more than wash the truck 4-times in this past year and replaced a CV joint. Because I've never finished PCM tuning I've not driven the motor beyond 4500-rpm or 1/3rd throttle yet lol. The blower runs well, gets factory mileage, great driveability, and even though I am not running more than 2-3 pounds of boost the truck will absolutely jump through its ass and empty the console pockets in response to a sharp stab of 1/3rd throttle! The throttle response is really good especially for a 2600-rpm converter, and it's the sharpest throttle response I've felt in a truck IMO. The exhaust is quiet at idle (stock), and OMFG loud when you throw your toe into it, it commands its share of attention LOL. The gear whine has disappeared, the head unit is absolutely silent now, no audible sign a blower is installed. I have a list of improvements to make on the blower kit, and I have confirmed the bracketry will accept mounting of a Vortech YSi head unit so I am long-term taking the kit (and my motor!) in that direction. Need to improve the intercooler (it could be bigger), use a *real* bypass valve rather than the Bosch mickey-mouse POS, once and for all build a CAI for it, and rig some sort of fuel pressure monitoring into the laptop for logging. So the truck needs more time and money... haha go figure!


The front CV joints finally crapped-out, the passenger one completely failed spectacularly. This is what happens when you lower the front of the truck 3-inches I guess :( The only redeeming news is that a replacement front CV joint is just $59 at Oreillys and a simple 1-hr job to do. I am considering aftermarket (5 or 6-ball) CV joints, I know some off-road guys make these kinds of things so I'll check into that someday.


Another small area of personal improvement, the company I work at has a complete fitness center with trainers on staff and not only have I gotten fit again but for the first time in my life I've reached an honest 200-pounds. I have no back pain anymore, my posture is almost corrected, I feel really great. I was hoping to gain just 10-pounds of muscle in this year, but I blew past that in just the first three months and now my year-end goal is to hit 215. I feel 18 again, but this time without the chronic back pain!


I mentioned earlier I have a great woman in my life, except that she has turned all my friends against me LOL. In my past Dan (sprayed99) and Jason (MidnightRidr) have sternly warned the women I've been dating to not even think of taking advantage of me - but THIS time my friends have come to ME instead, telling me "Where did you find her? She is too f'n cool! And so help us if you screw this relationship up MR. P. WE'RE GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!" So yes she has charmed them against me and left me standing there going "WTF? I thought you bastards were supposed to be backing ME up!" LOLOL. And they're totally correct, she's as awesome as she sounds, very intelligent and a die-hard automotive girl - would you believe this, last weekend she wrenched with me in the 100+ degree Texas heat pulling the drivetrain & transmission out of the truck so I could remove the converter and get it restalled - now I tell you, THAT'S love!! hahaha She's a very talented wrench and she looks and smells a damnsight better under the truck than Jason :P Her uncle is a life-long IMSA pit lane race official, her dad is a programmer that worked for NASA on the Gemini program (too f'n COOL), and we've been to the drag races a couple times, she's hooked!! She's been haranging me to take the truck racing; I gotta be careful or she'll walk in one day and ask me what it would take to put a shift kit and nitrous on her '05 Mustang LOL. She's got an unremoveable mega-watt smile, is always a joy to be around, considerate to a fault, is so compatible with me it's scary, and is (no sh!t) regarded as one of the top dancers in the DFW area, we've been working on competitive swing dancing. She's an honest kick in the ass to be around, everyone just loves her to death, and seriously I have never known more true open happiness in all my life. So yeah stick a fork in me, I'm done. Gladly!


OK gang, gotta go - I'll catch-up as best as I can. Know that I miss you.


Mr. P. :)


PS to 8URHMI - I think I have a ratchet of yours!

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and rig some sort of fuel pressure monitoring into the laptop for logging.



First off, congrats steve on getting your life back on track..


Second, you can log fuel pressure trough EFILive using one of the A/D inputs. All you need is an autometer electric fuel pressure gauge. A little pricey but it works. you will have to use the rear plug of the gauge to plug in two wires and connect them to the EFILive interface on either of the A/D inputs (1-4) then create a cutom PID to read off the Temp... I have this on my truck and if you need any help setting it up let me know, there is also a write up on the EFILive forum on how to do it

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Sounds like things are really looking up, good to hear. I know you are a well respected SSS'r, and and a huge help! With that being said, you mentioned something about special fans for the regular cab guys. I'm MORE than interested if this happens, please keep an update on that, if nothing else, please keep me updated on that.!!

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yea man i called about it a million times. christian made me pay for it lol. keep it now i dont need it and he doesnt lol

Yeah I owe you - my life completely imploded that very same week I helped you in Austin, everything got boxed and moved.... I discovered the extra ratchet just last week when my GF and I unboxed my garage stuff to pull the trans from the truck; text me your paypal address so on my next paycheck I can reimburse you. :ughdance:


Mr. P. :)

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