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Congratulations - hope everyone is well and happy!


And yes, the SSS is a great kid hauler; just buckle the carseat in the middle of the back seat, you cannot beat a full-frame truck for safety. And since the back seat isn't leather (it's fake leather, vinyl) it won't stain etc. Advice from a former Mr. Mom, you might consider laying a heavy towel down on the back seat underneath the car seat, because you will have a couple episodes of projectile vomiting over the next few years :sick: and that will catch most everything and keep it from running down the seat crack and onto the carpet, once you get that smell into the carpet it's hard to get out. The towell will also catch the regular crumbs etc and each week or so you can remove it (and all offensive smells) out of the cab. AND carry an extra towell or two under the back seat for emergency clean-ups. I even still have a bottle of 409 in the rear door pocket, and I carried an extra car seat cover too that I found at a second-hand store, one of the kids got sick in the car seat and I was able to immediately toss it all out of the truck, strip the seat itself down to bare plastic and clean it on the side of the road, then put on the spare cover & continue home in just a few minutes. Better prepared than sorry!


Mr. P. :)

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You have this down to a science Mr. P!!!! I appreciate the advice, I will definitly get a towel and some 409 to have on tap.....

I found that it helped me to be a 'happier' dad; I am not at all saying it's a pleasure cleaning up after sick kids, but if you have a couple towells tucked in the back seat pockets and a bottle of cleaner it will be an inconvenience and I can keep a lid on my temper (!) but when you are caught in BFE with the nastiest mess you can immagine and have *nothing* to fall back on plus a crying child you're attitude will go south fast, and you don't want that for yourself or display that in front of your spouse or child; being pissed over your sick child will kill your marriage fast, btw - so don't allow yourself to act that way ever. Sh!t happens, fact of life. I've been with the ex-wife when we had our kids in a similar situation without anything and her temper flew and it was a miserable experience because she had nothing in the car. Not only was our daughter pissed because she was in her own vomit, but my ex was just screaming mad herself at the whole situation and we had to stop running errands and go to the nearest Target to buy paper towells, wet wipes, and a new outfit for my daughter to wear home (expensive!). Bad bad day for all. Anyways sorry for the parenting horror story, just telling you be prepared and you'll do far better than my ex! OH and VERY important, carry an extra set of clothes for your kids with you at all times until they are at least 4 years old, for a while we always had extra change of clothes in the truck for the kids and had to use them a few times. :thumbs:


Mr. P. :)

Edited by Mr. P. (see edit history)
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3 babies in 3 weeks. the site is knockin em out!


congrats :cheers:


our boy was born sept 23rd.


i feel very comfortable driving howie around in the ss. awd, big, rear a/c and heating vents...basically the perfect blend of safety, comfort and badassness!


"my baby on board is faster than your baby on board."

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Wow were havin a SS baby boom.. Congrats on the new arrival.. Yup I have my carseat in the middle with one of those carseat mats under it.. Its working out good , its been in ther for 3yrs allready.. In the summer my son like to cool his toes off with them resting on the rear vents..

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