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Poll, Well Sort Of... Need Thoughts


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Ok, so as some of you know. i moved to Jersey just over a year ago. yes I am stupid and crazy, but i moved here to "start over". with my life in tow, i came here to be with the one i loved, the one i never forgot, and the one i found again, 19 years after we left each others side in high school. we hadnt talked nor knew where each other was till we met again on Facebook. with that said, we been together for 19 months and i couldnt be happier. yes its been a huge change, and huge difference, but wow, i couldnt be happier... so here is the pole, the help, the idea that i need help with...


some of you have met Jenny, she is a great girl, and super cool with everything i do. she is a bit "different" and in that regaurds, i bought something a little different. i got her a ring... yeah, "that ring" its a BLACK diamond, solid silver band and totally HER...


her birthday is coming the end of November, and for her birthday i got her Giants/Redskins tickets, she is a HUGE skins fan. my original thought was to propose at the game, but i think now that it might not be personal enuff. i called the stadium and they wont put it on the jumboo screen, so that out of the question. but do i still propose at the game? OR


when i first came to visit her in Jersey, she brought me to this pond in town, her "get away" spot when she needed to "think" it has a fountain, a wooden bridge and is simply perfect for my other plan, set up a table, dinner, candles, chairs, and yes of course music and me waiting for her dressed up in a tie. I will call her and tell her to come to the pond, she will have no idea till she pulls in and sees it all set up. then she will know what is going on. but i think this would be more personal.


yes she would appreciate both, but i am leaning towards the second one... what do you all think? and if you know her, PLEASE>>> HUSH!!!

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...and yes of course music and me waiting for her dressed up in a tie...


#2 buddy :thumbs:


but you might want to wear more than just a tie for this one...


congrats and good luck!

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