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Poll, Well Sort Of... Need Thoughts


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I don't really know you or Jenny, and as much as I'd like to be the black sheep and say go with #1... no way bud, go #2 (um... plan #2).


Too bad you couldn't do it in the AM and then go to the game that same day. Assuming she says yes and her team wins... what a day that would be.


Good luck man and where were you b4 Jersey? And black diamond(?), cool.

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ok so it sounds like #2 is the way to go hands down... but i LOVE the twist that "finallyss" has on this... hmmm... sounds like i am going to be doing that one for sure. get up early set this all up and go pick her up for the game on our way stop for breakfast at the pond and suprise her... I LOVE IT! great idea! the best part is her fav breakfast is cheep, Egg McMuffin from McD's! (just kidding, but that is her fav.)


as for BLACK diamond. Yup thats it. Jenny is a down home "hard ass" that is not flashy at all. loves cars, loves sports, and is the perfect woman for me. I will post a pic as soon as she says yes. i dont want it out here too much.


thanks again guys, as for the SKins winning, I HOPE so!!!!


I was in Iowa before Jersey. Now ask, why am I in Jersey? read the above statement... yup, she is good to me....

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ok so it sounds like #2 is the way to go hands down... but i LOVE the twist that "finallyss" has on this... hmmm... sounds like i am going to be doing that one for sure. get up early set this all up and go pick her up for the game on our way stop for breakfast at the pond and suprise her... I LOVE IT! great idea! the best part is her fav breakfast is cheep, Egg McMuffin from McD's! (just kidding, but that is her fav.)


as for BLACK diamond. Yup thats it. Jenny is a down home "hard ass" that is not flashy at all. loves cars, loves sports, and is the perfect woman for me. I will post a pic as soon as she says yes. i dont want it out here too much.


thanks again guys, as for the SKins winning, I HOPE so!!!!


I was in Iowa before Jersey. Now ask, why am I in Jersey? read the above statement... yup, she is good to me....

:) Congrats on your happiness - I understand that you've been through a lot prior to Jersey and it is so great to hear you've turned things around for yourself. :thumbs:


Don't take this out of context but proposal has more to do with you than 'her' - what I mean is, what/how/when/where/why you propose speaks as to how classy YOU are. Idea #1, sorry man but no class. Idea #2, much better, far more classier setting.


There are certain things between you and your soon-to-be that are 'special' and significant to just the two of you, kind of like an inside joke that you both understand and laugh but the rest of us can't appreciate because we just can't. Proposal is one of those special situations, I am happy for you both and it makes me smile but your proposal and commitment doesn't have the same emotion to me personally as it does the two of you because I'm not "in on the joke" so to say. What I am trying to get across is, some things in your marriage you do share with the rest of your friends and the world, and other things you don't not because we don't like hearing it but it just doesn't carry the same gravity as it does for you. For you, proposing to your love is a life-changing event, but not for the rest of the tens of thousands at a stadium. Proposal I would keep a private thing between you and your lady, and AFTER the proposal THEN share it with the rest of the world at the stadium! It would be awesome if the ball park would put up a "I love you for saying YES" banner or something like that, because all women love to see that their men are proud to tell the world they love them.


Also, your comment "Jenny is a down home "hard ass" that is not flashy at all" - I would disagree greatly and I don't even know her. The reason I say is that I know a little about *you* and judging by your truck project it is obvious you have a pretty refined sense of style and care greatly about the details, details matter to you and you will not settle for nothing but the best in your life. I have seen that guys who really devote themselves to busting ass and taking real care of what they have earned will also take equally great care of the loved ones in their lives, because it matters to them. That is the kind of guy you appear to be, and that's what your proposal should speak of to her. That you care, that you have considered what is important to her and what she will value in that unique shared experience between the both of you. And if you really reflect on it you'll find that an Egg McMuffin is pretty far down the list of what really is important to her. Hint - YOU are part of her flash; by extention your truck is part of her flash; the quality of the people she surrounds herself with and her outgoingness or character is part of her flash. She has flash, a very peculiar or non-standard style but don't kid yourself, it's there and she's just as flashy as any other lady it just takes a different form. And for god's sake don't let her hear you say she's not flashy because it's not true and you'll accidentally poison your relationship. It's probably more accurate to say "she's got a very unique sense of flashy-ness, very hard-ass hard edge" - that's more likely the truth and she'll love knowing you see her as very individual and marching to a different drum.


AFA proposing on a holiday or birthday or ...whatever occasion - I think this is a mistake a lot of guys make; they think to themselves, hey I'll make a great day even better; but a more considerate idea would be to add another separate great day for her rather than try to ride the coat tails of an existing holiday. A Real Man can pull it off all by himself, he doesn't need that kind of crutch!


You'll do great :thumbs: Propose in private, make it true to who you are and considerate of her, and THEN go shout it to the world!


Mr. P. :)

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Mr P... THANK YOU! you nailed it! it will be special it will be alone and it will be something she will remember. as for stating that she is simple and not flashy she will tell you that herself, some of the guys here have met her and will attest to that, rob, dan, krambo, mark, nikko...


thanks for the insite!!


I will let you know what happens what i come up with...


I'm excited!


OH and thanks for the compliments on WhiSSle!!

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...OH and thanks for the compliments on WhiSSle!!

haha they are very well-deserved; after I see what you've done with your truck I go out to the garage to look at mine hanging my head saying "ugh we've got a loooong way to go!" :thumbs:


...as for stating that she is simple and not flashy she will tell you that herself...

I don't care - it doesn't matter if she says it about herself, or if in fact it's true or not, all that is beside the point. You can say lovingly she's not high-maintenance, or that she's very genuine and down to earth, but don't ever say she's not flashy ever again!!! To your eye she should sparkle like a diamond no matter what she looks like or what she tells her friends! If she doesn't then why are you marrying her?!!! My 2-cents! ;) Congrats again, I like stories with happy beginnings! Very exciting!


Mr. P. :)

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DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. ready to end your life so soon? hahaha im kidding bro. you and jenny are great together and make each other happy. even tho she hits me lol. go for 2 no doubt!

:crackup: Total man-whore to the end! :jester:

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