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Making It Official

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Its official and I couldn't be happier.


I'm sure most of you know me from my looooooooong time membership here dating back to when I still had my 04 SSS, then my 06 TBSS, and now my 09 Avalanche that thinks its a TBSS :crackup:


I'm also sure most of you are very familiar with my detailing exploits and all the time I've spent here answering questions, posting pictures, and detailing rides for members. Earlier this year a long time friend, Adam Pitale owner/founder of Adam's Polishes, made me an offer to come work for him full time. Putting my happiness above money I left my job to reenter the world of detailing full time and as such have been bugging him non-stop to bring on this site ever since, so here we are.


As a sponsored forum you guys will have access to a 24/7/365 discount, special product pre-sales, group buys, etc. Plus I'll continue my involvement here giving you guys unmatched service, support, advice, etc. As many of you know from the other forums I rep Adam's at I'm pretty much available all day, every day, even weekends. You got a tough detailing question, need advice, or just need to put an order in for some goods I'm at your service.


Anyways, I won't continue to ramble on - I'll be posting details about the forum members discount and a bunch of other stuff here today. Glad I could finally make it official and expand my role here to really help you guys out. This was THE FIRST forum I ever joined after I bought my Victory Red 2004 dream truck and still my longest standing membership anywhere. Feels good to take it to another level.


Thanks guys!! Good things coming - stay tuned!!

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these results are not typical, please consult a doctor before trying to become an honest guy using mervz and josh to determine if it is the correct treatment for you. crackup.gif


If you experience an erection lasting more than four hours call a doctor... and a psychologist b/c theres no way either of them should arouse you :jester:

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