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Driveshaft Problem

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Hey guys I noticed that on my driveshaft there is a rub mark on it towards the front of the truck. It looks like its rubbing above it where there is like part of the fram that curves over top of it in the tunnel area. Its not real deep on teh shaft or anythginb but you can see where its been rubbing recently as its a lil bit shiney. I believe its rubbing from wehre the truck has been lowers with a belltech 2/3 drop. It does touch as the truck as just sitting so it must be doing it when it hits dips and such in teh road. Is there a way to correct this or tell me why this is happenng. I dont want it to keep happening and my shaft eventually snap on me. I was thkning of maybe grinding so material of the above frame away so it dont rub as bad but didnt know if that woudl be a good idea or not. Any help here is appreciated, thanx.

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Well, there is the redneck way and the 'right' way; the redneck way is to completely remove that crossmember, it is providing very, very little structural support in the frame of the truck because the tubing is actually super-thin (it's only there to locate the carrier bearing in the 2-piece driveshaft trucks). The 'upgrade' way is to cut out the center 6-7 inches of material, and weld-in a taller driveshaft 'tunnel' or even better install a 2-piece driveshaft loop.


Mr. P.

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I think we are talking about 2 different areas of the driveshaft. This is rubbing towards the front of the driveshaft near the transmission back about 8inches give or take. The piece of frame goes up and bends around above the driveshaft.

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