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Eight Facts About Warming Up Your Car In Winter


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i really dont believe that much, when its -40 here and you have your truck plugged in all night your gonna fire it up let it come down form high idle then put it in gear thats bs. you can barely sit in your truck its so cold, the leather seats are like sitting on ice cubes and the steering wheel makes your hands freeze , even if its a comfort thing i sitll let it warm up for 5-10 just feels right.

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I love it when people write articles for everyone everywhere. It's forecast this week for -40's and that's without the windchill.

You know what happens when you get in a car without warming it up when it's that cold? The windows freeze up almost instantly, worse if you've just showered. Very dangerous.

I don't care whether you use synthetic or conventional oil, it is just like glue at those temperatures, it's not flowing anywhere.

Plugging in is a great idea to help warm up, what about at work? the mall?

What if you have a diesel? Up north in the 'patch', we only shut the diesel engines off to check oil, they have to run 24/7, or they won't start.


I think pre-heaters and other methods are good ideas to warm up cars and help save the environment, some big trucks have them, but that's it.

I'm sure the environmentalists will eventually persuade manufactures to make them standard equipment one day, but we may all be driving electric cars by then.

I guess it's a good thing that we have the largest oil reserves in the world here...we're gonna need it.


Maybe I'm so against not idling because I install remote starters... but they're necessary here, especially If you don't want to worry about your car getting stolen, cause sometimes you have to let it run.


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