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Todays Tsunami Video Links


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glad im setup and prepared for this kind of shit. we have a evac plan and a place to go just in case something were to happen.


Its just a matter of time before us ca guys get nailed. i wouldnt doubt to see some really crazy stuff happen to ca/u.s.a in general before my lifetime is over. 2012 not so much.

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My fiance is a nurse and called me from work this morning and said turn the news on. She said an old man was saying this is the end of the world. That she needs to repent and ask "God" to forgive her.That all this was written in the "Bible" and the people killed in Japan were being punished for their sins.I told her, to tell him to STFU,or get another nurse. No little baby not old enough to talk is a "Sinner." I know I was a little harsh, but being woken up, to being told "God" is punishing sinners just struck the wrong nerve. I'm sorry if I offended anyone that actually believes "God" is killing the sinners in Japan right now.

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Part of the reason I get all fixiated on this stuff is my dad was a Hydrolgist with USGS for 30+ years.

When I was a kid I'd visit his "labs" included a Tow Tank and a GIANT Flood Plain. He took water very serious.....


He spent a month in Japan and China as part of an exchange program with his counterparts there. Don't think they were discussing this scenario...


Anyways....I'm relieved it appears Hawaii and West Coast was spared today cheers.gif ROCK ON !

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Now this starts to piss me off - How much an hour will we spend sending 8 or more warships and all the other aid on the ground?


Did Japan help us with KATRINA? Why do they specifically ask US for help?


We still haven't addressed all the shoreline damaged in Louisiana and thats only part of what's still focked up down there.


We have multiple school bus routes in Orlando suburbs where all the bus stops pick up young kids at cheap hotels.

Families lose their homes and now live in one hotel room?!??! 60 minutes just covered this.



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Now this starts to piss me off - How much an hour will we spend sending 8 or more warships and all the other aid on the ground?


Did Japan help us with KATRINA? Why do they specifically ask US for help?


We still haven't addressed all the shoreline damaged in Louisiana and thats only part of what's still focked up down there.


We have multiple school bus routes in Orlando suburbs where all the bus stops pick up young kids at cheap hotels.

Families lose their homes and now live in one hotel room?!??! 60 minutes just covered this.




I was in New Orleans today after dropping BMW off at the shop and it is still bad in some spots.I lost faith when we raised more for Haiti than Katrina , so it doesn't surprise me anymore. Even after Katrina, the news only focused on NO, but I lived right outside of Waveland at the time where we had the highest wind speeds.They only wanted to focus on the people ordered to leave in the first place standing on their roofs. My house was karate chopped in half by a tree during a Tornado. GOOD TIMES!pepsicheer.gif

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My fiance is a nurse and called me from work this morning and said turn the news on. She said an old man was saying this is the end of the world. That she needs to repent and ask "God" to forgive her.That all this was written in the "Bible" and the people killed in Japan were being punished for their sins.I told her, to tell him to STFU,or get another nurse. No little baby not old enough to talk is a "Sinner." I know I was a little harsh, but being woken up, to being told "God" is punishing sinners just struck the wrong nerve. I'm sorry if I offended anyone that actually believes "God" is killing the sinners in Japan right now.


So what he is saying is that sinners only live near the coastlines? ****! I'm screwed then!

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I think what he meant was the people unfortunately killed during this, were "sinners." By now I'm not even shocked by what some of them say. One old man is in love with her. He literally said " I love you" to her and tried to give her $200one day when she was talking about our car to another nurse. She told me about it ,and I said "You should of took that man's money, I could of had a new grille." Some of these guys are in there 90s. She also says most of them stink like a rotten onion trash factory. I like to give her a hard time about it. She is trying to get transferred to work in pediatric nursing.

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