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Will Design For Parts!


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I was trying to get a photoshop of my truck done in a different color some time ago and a memeber wanted $30 or $40 bux to do it, told me it took a lot of time to do it. I have no experience what so ever in this area and cant do it myself but it was a single picture frame and thats what he wanted. Of course the price was sent to me in a pm and I said nothing about it to anyone but I thought that was a bit expensive. I dont mind paying someone for their time but I thought that was a little extreme and that is just my opinion. I have seen some of his sigs and he does a good job, I dont think the price is set in stone either but I think $20 bux is reasonable. He also posted that he would do a sig for spare parts that you may have laying around that you dont need or want. Im not trying to go against anyone here for their opinion just stating my past experience.

Edited by Carls LQ9 SS (see edit history)
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that like saying i know alot about ss trucks and cars in general. you could go to a local mechanic for advice and they would charge you . but come here and get my educated answers for free. thats why the interweb can be awesome , you can find answers yourself for free. imo thats what ss is about helping others out.


again imo. i think you should take it to the next level and start a sevice doing custom graphic design , if you have a product that is superior to anything around , people will pay for it . imo.


good luck with it , i like the animated sigs alot and have no clue how to do them . im sure id pay for one if it was crazy awesome .

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Sorry to come off as an ass about this topic but like i said starting a new thread post sigs for $20 is just BS to me. I understand what goes into them as I have a comm degree with graphics as a minor so I know the programs. To make it like it takes forever to do layers in PS then transfer them over to image ready and set it up takes a long time then I guess some more work is needed in practicing. Like I said, you may do great work but charging on this site I think is BS. Next time don't direct your Graphics degree towards me since I actually know what is involved in making animated sigs. If people want to pay then great, but I think it should be a donation more or less where you do a favor and they say thanks. At least thats my view towards sigs.


Can you provide more sigs anyhow, maybe you do some stuff that is mind blowing, can't really say since all i see is thecouple on here

Edited by fox_forma (see edit history)
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No hard feelings fox. I wasn't throwing in your face that I had a college education in graphic design. I was just stating why I was charging. We both have diff. opinions about charging for Sig's, thats just the way it is. And as stated by Carl above, Im really after some spare parts. And if someone doesnt have spare parts, then they can pay. No big deal. Just barter.

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that like saying i know alot about ss trucks and cars in general. you could go to a local mechanic for advice and they would charge you . but come here and get my educated answers for free. thats why the interweb can be awesome , you can find answers yourself for free. imo thats what ss is about helping others out.


again imo. i think you should take it to the next level and start a sevice doing custom graphic design , if you have a product that is superior to anything around , people will pay for it . imo.


good luck with it , i like the animated sigs alot and have no clue how to do them . im sure id pay for one if it was crazy awesome .



I think his sigs look good, but I'm with Chase. What makes this site special is you can come here and get educated opinions/help FREE!!!! It's not if his sigs are worth $20bucks or not, its more of people helping people. Thats why this site is here not for everyone to try to make a buck off everyone else!:thumbs:

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I understand completely where everyone is coming from on receiving information for FREE, and that one of the advantages I have found with this site. Along with other things such as seeing nice trucks, How -to's etc. But one thing I have noticed is that people can give advice all day long, but at the end of the day, when it comes to services, people charge, hands down. Take for example changing LED lights in the dash. Can you do it? Yes, with the right knowledge you could. Can he do it? Yes, wit the right amount of money. Knowing how to do something and doing it for someone is two different things. I, myself, am willing to help anyone out that I can with the knowledge that I have, but when it comes to these animated sig's that do take a bit of time to animate, I find it not any different than someone charging to change out those LED's. And no, Im not calling the LED guy out lol. If you don't want to pay me, or trade me out of doing a Sig for you, that is fine. But if you do, thats great too. Its all about helping each other out, and that I understand. You help me, I help you. No big deal, right?

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