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Thats Right Be Jealous


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I just change the name to mine on the shipping address. I ordered the DA polisher from Sam and she woke up the next morning saying WTF did you buy this time? I said I just ordered more flower seeds and fertilizer. She said bullshit, I can read what you wrote him in the comment box on Paypal ! WHOOPS!yellow_loser.gif


I keep threatening to buy a gsxr on her account, so pretty soon she will be immune to it. Then one day, BAM!! Heel-Clicker wheelies

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She offered to buy me one for $5,000.So at least twice a day I say, THE BIKE IS ORDERED! She comes running saying NU UH!

We got into an argument about another dog she brought home and she said "FINE, just buy the damn bike now!" So I'm currently on the hunt!

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