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Chnage My Screen Name


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What's up everyone. I've been thinking about changing my screen name and not emphasizing the SS in it anymore. Just an FYI to any new members or any wondering I did own a black 06 SSS. It was stolen and is gone. I just stuck with my current S/N cuz it still somewhat fit. Here is what I was considering:


Bad Ass VHO


Bad Ass Silvy (not emphasize the SS anymore)

I was gonna change it a few months back to "Travieso" which means trouble maker in Spanish but Junior beat me to it, thats his screen name :banghead:


Any other suggestions??????? I wanna hear some ideas......


I know I'll have to update my sig. unless I change it to Bad Ass Silvy which is fine so let me have it....

Edited by Bad aSS Silvy (see edit history)
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