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Wtt 1996 Mystic Cobra, Supercharged, Forged Internals...For Silverado

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Not throwin off on your rig, but U will be better off taking a Mustang to a Ford Forum, than to a Chevrolet forum...............Sort of like taking a knife to a gun fight lol Good looking car though, good luck with the sell

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Yeah I already have it on a few mustang sites but figured I'd throw it out here since I'd like to trade for a Silverado SS.


The color is hard to capture with a camera. you gotta see it in person. Pretty bad ass. not obnoxious like most color changing paints.

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I love those seats too. Problem is its about 2,000 bucks for some used ones haha. They only had 2000 in that color and they're hard to come by. I'd love to have some for my cobra. I've seen them in a 96 mystic and they still look good. Thanks for he compliments, hopefully I can find a silverado ss or a turbo diesel.

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