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Pretty Worried

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So I was on my way home from the city today and these two cuties fly by me I'n a minivan. so I catch up and we play around for a bit and I notice something funny. At 110km/h my oil pressure is normal (260ish) but jumps just below 275. Which i thought was a little strange. Then at 160km/h it's still at 260!!!! Then bobs up and down from 260 to 400 quite fast, almost like the oil is getting cavitation bubbles I'n it. Needless to say I was like :wtf: I know this isn't normal, so I checked my oil, the oil level was good! Just a tad dirty so it's oil change time I think. I'm running full synthetic amsoil long life formula and a K&N filter. So I'm pretty much clueless except for maybe some sludge build up, I have 227 xxx km on it.

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Okay, so where exactly is it located? Easy swap?


Its on the back of the block behind and kinda underneath the intake manifold. It should have a wire going to it. Its easier to get to if you remove the intake manifold. But some people have been able to get to it without the removing it though

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Its easier to take the ten or fifteen minutes to remove the manifold, than to fight getting your hand back there. And if the sensor is really tight, finding any kinda decent angle to get more torque on it to break it loose is near impossible. Downside to removing the manifold, especially with the mileage, is you'll probably need new gaskets.


However you go about replacing the sensor, it's better to ensure it's not the pump and save yourself from shelling out more cash on a new motor or rebuild.

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I just used two swivels one on the socket end and one on the ratchet side and a extension. Trick that works good with the swivels is to wrap the flex part with a few wraps of electrical tape. It will still swivel but not flop around.

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