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Pos Yard Guy Stole My Spare!


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Awhile ago I took the spare tire out of the bed to make space and had placed it on the side of the house. This was maybe like 8 months ago. I noticed it missing for awhile now and had suspected the yard guy because he has a silverado but had no proof. I then notice today the son of a bitch has two spares. I casually walk by and sure enough, my spare! Has SS on it with the paint marker from factory and little tag. So I am one to get even, not mad, and won't let him know I now know because he prob doesn't assume anything. Question now is....


Do I leave his shit on the ground and take my tire back?

Grab a weed eater, wait a month, take my tire, while owing him money and tell him his services are no longer needed?

Take my tire and remove the shrader valves from the others?


I need some good ideas. Already have a solid alibi if I get seen taking "my" weed eater back. I know where he lives and he keeps his trailer down the street. I'm not worried about any repercussion either from him. There's an AR if he ever comes in the yard and I catch him. Sorry for the rant..Im pissed!!

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Don't remove his schrader valves, do the following: Find small pebbles that fit in the cap itself , but still depress the valve stem when the cap is on. Replace all of his caps with one's fitted with pebbles. What this does is it will deflate his tires slowly and this dude will not know whats going on, if he has his valve stems replaced, then just keep doing it.... lol My Friend did this to another neighbor because he kept Parking his HUGE RV in front of his house. My bud asked him nicely many times to please not park there but since it was on the street and public property he didnt listen. The RV owner wouldnt have any car in his drive way or in front of his house but still parked in front of my buds house. By buddy kept this up for like six months and the guy went through 3 sets of tires, 2 sets of rims, and who knows how many Valve Stems!



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Don't remove his schrader valves, do the following: Find small pebbles that fit in the cap itself , but still depress the valve stem when the cap is on. Replace all of his caps with one's fitted with pebbles. What this does is it will deflate his tires slowly and this dude will not know whats going on, if he has his valve stems replaced, then just keep doing it.... lol My Friend did this to another neighbor because he kept Parking his HUGE RV in front of his house. My bud asked him nicely many times to please not park there but since it was on the street and public property he didnt listen. The RV owner wouldnt have any car in his drive way or in front of his house but still parked in front of my buds house. By buddy kept this up for like six months and the guy went through 3 sets of tires, 2 sets of rims, and who knows how many Valve Stems!




that is awesome *noted*

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Asked a cop buddy of mine and he told me unless I saw him take it or have physical evidence, only a report can be made that a tire was taken. And since I just noticed my tire and it went missing months ago, nothing can really be done. Best I could do is if I could match my vin to the sticker on the tire, but I don't think that's possible.


Could unplug the fuel pump when he's cutting someone's grass, hope he leaves the truck overnight (because it's that kinda neighborhood and I've seen him do it), then take my tire off in the middle of the night....

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Better idea :lightbulb:


A few car batteries and some other electrical goodies I have including parts from some experimental stun guns. Rig something up for the gate handle, just enough to make him unconscious anyway, then cue Smokey from Friday "you got knocked the fukc out"

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