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Pos Yard Guy Stole My Spare!


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If your 100% sure its yours talk to the cops about it and see what can be done, ya the simpler way give him a shot in the head and take it, but a wheel and tire isn't worth it, Maybe the cops can help you if you explain the whole situation to them and why it took so long to discover it was missing, Good luck

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just go take your tire back then fire his ass.



Agreed ^^^ Man up, walk up take your tire back . if it's yours there is no discussion to have, and why would you sneak around or get yourself into trouble!

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Interesting note on the kerosene. I'll keep it mind.


Thought I already posted what happened....


Anyway, my point about the popo was made clear by a CSA that showed up and made a report. Just a number on a card. Prior to that the pos knocked on my door to ask if I had seen anything while he was cutting the backyard. Instead of punching him in the face I just told him no. He then informed me that his tailgate had gone missing. So he reported it stolen and at the service aid showed up in my driveway shortly there after. Me know nuthin bout no missin tailgate, but I know where my spare is :ninja: I'm gonna wait to owe him some more cash, steal my tire back, then fire his ass.

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Awhile ago I took the spare tire out of the bed to make space and had placed it on the side of the house. This was maybe like 8 months ago. I noticed it missing for awhile now and had suspected the yard guy because he has a silverado but had no proof. I then notice today the son of a bitch has two spares. I casually walk by and sure enough, my spare! Has SS on it with the paint marker from factory and little tag. So I am one to get even, not mad, and won't let him know I now know because he prob doesn't assume anything. Question now is....


Do I leave his shit on the ground and take my tire back?

Grab a weed eater, wait a month, take my tire, while owing him money and tell him his services are no longer needed?

Take my tire and remove the shrader valves from the others?


I need some good ideas. Already have a solid alibi if I get seen taking "my" weed eater back. I know where he lives and he keeps his trailer down the street. I'm not worried about any repercussion either from him. There's an AR if he ever comes in the yard and I catch him. Sorry for the rant..Im pissed!!


if he gots 2 spares make him change all 4 needing 2 more. meaning I would puncture all 4 tires by the side walls that way he wont be able to fix them and that way he would still need 2 more tires. make his ass work, dont give him a ride to get them or a phone to call no water to drink.:crackup:

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if you start going tit for tat its never going to end untill someone is hurt or a big $$ in property damage.


I would get a block, wedge it unner truck, deflate tire, remove, put back at your house.

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