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in April some A hole im guessing it was the garbage collectors ****ed up my truck and dented my hood. i made an insurance claim and and had it fixed along with some scratches along the left side of my truck some one in the past had done to it. well.......... YESTERDAY as i headed to home depot to help my GF pick some things up for her school she dropped her bags and gasped.... i was on the other side (driver) and she looked at me with a sad face and i could tell something was wrong..... i saw her stare along side my truck and back at me and i knew it! i ran over and saw the worst ****ing scratches iv ever seen. all on the same side i had recently painted. WTF! Only guess is that it happened over night where i live. where i work its parked ion a garage and secure. Some suspicion on who it could be but nothing concrete.


Now a question...... since April any ideas if my Insurance Co will deny or is there a period that i cant make another claim in such a close time from the last one? And another question how can i make them paint my truck completely. should i grab a key and scratch my truck all around?


im pissed and sad! last time in April this happend right before my BD. and now this happening right before i got good news here at work regarding my future with the company and approval of vacation time ill be taking next month. for those who are still reading sorry for the rant.nopity.gif i just needed to vent. i have much love and respect for my truck. and it sucks when people dont respect other love.


-RA sad.gif

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I'm very sad to hear this, and I agree with you I find there are very few people that want to do what it takes to really keep something nice, and those uncaring people make it very hard for those of us that choose to take good care of what we have. I don't have any life experience to draw from on your situation, but I don't believe there is any time period etc for making a claim, I would not be afraid of your insurance agent (I have found them to usually be really good people) and ask them what they recommend. I am sure that living in Oakland you are already paying a fortune in comp/collision, the underwriter is probably expecting this from the area that you live in. The sucky part is that to repaint a door will probably cost less than your deductible, so you will be paying for the repair (or most of it) anyways. See what your agent says is my advice.


Mr. P.

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if you have full coverage on your truck the insurance co should cover any repair as far as vadalism/uninsured motorist. Obviously you would be resposible for your deductable. IMO i would scratch as much as you can (not until you talk to insurance and they agree to send an apraisor out to inspect damage) seeing as most deductables are about 500 so the more they have to repair the better for you. Sorry to hear tho there is no Fing respect for other peoples things these days :banghead: . nice truck tho btw



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I know it hurts to see things like that happen, especially when you baby the truck. Sorry man.


See if the garage you park in has cameras. If you suspect someone keyed it or is f*cking with your truck, make a report and the police may be able to get a look at the videos for you. Depending on your insurance and policy, you may or may not be able to do another claim. Call them and find out and hopefully you can be on your way to some new paint.

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