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Oooo La La ...

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Well guys, im on my way back to afghanistan. Im on my home stretch now, 3 months left here. I had an awesome time at home, spent 2 days on my truck buffing and waxing/cleaning... Here's a neat little photo tooken after. LOVE IT.

post-19794-057860500 1309207440_thumb.jpg

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Red04, yea... this will be the last. Did Iraq and now finishing off with afghanistan. I get out in July 2012. We are supposed to redeploy back to the states late september this year(HURRY UP!)


USS SS, thanks bro...


Bad Ass Silvy, I still plan on getting Rey's tune, I didnt in the little time I had. Spent lots of time with the family and fiance. Im going to talk to him when im back from deployment for 30 days, wil give me more time to have him tune. Id appreciate that TOTM :) Its nowhere near done yet though =)


IdahoBLKSS, i'm currently heading back to my location in afghanistan. using the USO internet. Ill upload more when I get situated, so stay tuned brotha...



Thanks everyone else, if you check the Appearance forum, the thread I posted shows pics of the rust that the claybar took out of the paint, amazing...

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