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Roll Control, Shift Light, And Boost Gauge


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If I were either of them i'd be making a few housecalls! Hear me knocking??? I didn't think so!


I can send you a box of tissues since you have used up all your mom's crying over someone.... If a PM is in order to settle something, why didn't I get one from you calling me out? Or are you trying to be a tough guy?


I was stating the obvious reason for why a reply was made to the above post by the OP (Original Poster).


On the other hand I actually have someone who may be interested in the Shift Light for his drag bike. An actual question and statement about what this thread is about.



jerk.gifgo ride ur boys coat tails obviously ur the one so upset getting into someone elses business go act like a child somewhere else, stay in ur place boy and dont write a check ur ass cant cash only reason i called u out is cause this has nothing to do with u i was simply stating that the "OP" (original poster in ur internet lingo) was acting outta line thats all im sure there r a few members that r tired of the "OP" pushing people around....sooooo once again stay in ur place thx.




post-18763-013916400 1318549551_thumb.jpg look sinner thats the dik ur suckin

Edited by bruiser04 (see edit history)
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He is the OP!

He is replying to his thread, smart ass comments deserve smart ass responses.


Btw if you would have told me you were selling that boost gauge earlier I would have gotten it off you.


Will that shift light work on a v-twin motorcycle?


How is this crying over something??? Read the facts you FUK! Am I getting into someones business by saying the obvious? Maybe he has rubbed someone or OP (other people) the wrong way, but i'm not defending anyone oh here about piddly BS.


The only child I can see on here is you! Your crying about someone saying GTFO of his thread if your not interested! CRY CRY CRY!!!


It's so sad to see someone crying over a "Internet Bully"


BTW my checks clear! And my place is wherever the hell I want it to be.

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How is this crying over something??? Read the facts you FUK! Am I getting into someones business by saying the obvious? Maybe he has rubbed someone or OP (other people) the wrong way, but i'm not defending anyone oh here about piddly BS.


The only child I can see on here is you! Your crying about someone saying GTFO of his thread if your not interested! CRY CRY CRY!!!


It's so sad to see someone crying over a "Internet Bully"


BTW my checks clear! And my place is wherever the hell I want it to be.


seems to me like ur either defending ur boyfriend or stepping out of place which one is itdunno.gif

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Speaking my mind!


Looks like you get to be the pursuer of internet peace by speaking your words!


In all seriousness how can my original post be taken like this? A simple statement of the obvious taken the wrong way by someone??


If you would like to talk further on this feel free to PM me.

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He is the OP!

He is replying to his thread, smart ass comments deserve smart ass responses.


Btw if you would have told me you were selling that boost gauge earlier I would have gotten it off you.


Will that shift light work on a v-twin motorcycle?


in this quote, u were clearly speaking for another person in a defensive manner, CORRECT?

also, in this quote you were stepping in where u were not needed, CORRECT?


and one more piece of evidence in post number nine of this thread did the screen name sinr98 appear? NO


so its obvious u were doing one of two things defending ur boyfriend or stepping out of place CORRECT?


and just for clarification nowhere in the whole thread did anyone ask u to speak ur mind so u can suck it

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In this thread its stating things for sale.... Am I correct? I have someone interested in the shift light. Are you interested in anything the seller has for sale? I didn't see your name mentioned till you stepped in defending another poster and "other people". Does that mean that your the butt fuk! So maybe your boyfriend (s) were offended and your being the locomotive to your train.

So your question to me applies to you!

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that one took u a while to come up with but u r right however i was defending newer members who ur boyfriend targets the most IMO (that one means In My Opinion) furthermore i would like to clear up the reason why i didnt send u a pm calling u out because in post #9 i asked the OP (original Poster) to message me if he had a problem. seeing as u like to get into others business i didnt want ur boyfriend to get jealous that u were receiving pm's from another dude so we can just keep this one out in the open i wouldn't want u flirting with me through a pm.

also ur right im not interested in any of this junk for sale number one spend some real money and get some good gauges who knows if u spend a lil more money maybe ur slow ass truck will get faster but thats neither here nor there... so we could keep this one going or u can just chew on this one and quit while ur ahead cause u look stupider and stupider with each of ur reply

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Sorry if im not on here 24?7 like you. Better things to do like be with my son and do some other things I guess when your the president of the SS site you have to be on here every day all day. I will try and be on here more.


Let it go man. Your getting bent over nothing.

Edited by Sick03ss (see edit history)
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Sorry it took so long to reply!


I just noticed that you posted a pic.... To be honest it is kinda weird that you have a picture of him. Is that the one that you keep next to your bed?


Secondly. Did the newer members ask you to speak for them? If they didn't, doesn't that mean that you got into their business which you still had no business posting in the for sale section with no intent or interest in the "Junk" the seller has to offer?

Lastly. Yes my truck is slow..... I know...... Since I have more money in parts sitting in my garage for my slow truck than your want to be SS is worth i'll take it for what it's worth. Since I have a wife, son, twins due in 2 months, an additon going on my house, and work I will let my slow truck be slow for a little while longer.


Thanks for the fun! :yellow_loser:

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does that make u feel better u got the last word


"I have more money in parts sitting in my garage for my slow truck than your want to be SS is worth"

thats what i would say if my truck ran 15's

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