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Watch Who You Sell To From Your Home

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Sorry to hear... A few years back when I was seling my sisters car for her a guy from another state came to buy it. He was supposed to take the car from my parents house and leave. Instead he wanted me to drive it toward my house so he could be closer to home. He was nervous since the car was in a accident and didnt have a fender or the passenger headlight. I drove the car, and as im on the highway he keeps flashing for me to pull over and calls my phone. He wanted to meet me in the ghetto of Rockford at one of his buddies houses to take the car and then give me a ride back home. I made up a story and just said will meet at my house and you can take the car.



I race to my house to ge there first to get my gun as I was already spooked. He pulled up and handed me my money, as another car with his buddies pulled up in front of my house. I pulled the gun, thinking they were going to rob me and take the car and title with them. As I pulled the gun his buddies got back in there car and I told the guy the deal is done, and to leave otherwise I will shoot you. Luckily they all left. A few months later I get a phone call from the cops asking me about the guy. I guess he pulled the same thing with someone else and got the car, his money back and the title, and the seller got beat up pretty bad.



I dont trust anyone after that, Its sad the way the world works. Atleast your safe. It sucks that the blower is gone, but it could have been much worse.

Edited by Blown 346 (see edit history)
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That is messed. Sorry to hear this!

Like mentioned above, I never sell anything from my house for this reason. I don't even let friends see all my parts if they are over. You never know who will over hear through the grapevine that you have this and that stored in your garage and then someone comes and steals it.

Hope you get the guy, and the unit back.

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put digital locks on everything you can, shitty to hear one if the reasons i built my place in the middle of nowhere got 5 good farm dogs that will sound at anything that shouldn't be coming down the road packing an Ar15 semi auto for the unwanted


But he will more then likely be caught you could always go on a phishing expidition with the cops you never know it might work

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It's true, we're pretty restrictive here for weapons. But you CAN carry a "none restricted" fire arm as long as its concealed. (I know sounds crazy to you Americans but by law we have to conceal a firearm whenever possible.) I can fit a nice pistol grip shotgun behind my seat :dbanana:

Shotguns are non restricted?
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Wow that is terrible man. I can't believe some people. At least your all good and safe.


Sent From My GNex


<br />WTF thats jacked. i hate to say it but every time i sell something thats over $500 bucks i have my gun with me. you just never know what will happen. hell even when i show up to somebody's else's place to buy something i pack my gun. you never know if they will rob you for your money and keep what they where tryin to sell. Its a sad way of life but i feel i should protect myself in case's like this. i hope it all work's out for you. keep us posted if you figure anything out.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Good thing I was under your limit lol


Sent From My GNex

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Dude I'm sorry to be reading this. I can't even begin to imagine how pissed I would be if this happened. You expect for someone to do the right thing and then they do this. This is why I have my house rigged up pretty well. I have no problem killing someone in a second if need be, I am completely prepared. I meet everyone away from my home bc I don't want them to come back here when my wife is home alone.


Anyways, I hope it works out for you and he gets caught.

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