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Any Lottery Players?


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i play when the pots big.... but if i were to win that kinda money, i would stay on the down low, pay off my parents house, and give trhem a huge chunk of it. along with my brothers and sisters, pay off my truck, do some mods... then put the rest away

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I plan to play this week. I would buy a really really nice house, a custom shop large enough for a LARGE car collection, complete with lifts and equipment, finish my black SSS mods, do a red SSS, give my family enough to be "comfortable". After that, travel and do just whatever strikes me each day. I would also help the needy.

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My wifes side of the Family and I combined our efforts to win. We all put in a couple bucks and picked numbers but obviously we did not win. We are going to do it again today.


With 475 million you will only get half in cash (you would be an idiot to not take the cash) then uncle sam is going to take half so you would only clear 118million and then I I would have won I would have split it 7 ways, but thats still almost 17 million.


If I won all 475 million by myself I would quit my job build a house where I live now, One In Vegas, One on some tropical island somewhere and relax the rest of my life.


If I had to split it and only got 17 million that would not be enough to live the rest of my life. I would probably quit my job but go back to school and do something That I really want to do (maybe become a History Professor or Something) but I would still work. I would build a decent house with a nice big garage, buy a couple nice cars that I have always dreamed of. My wife would love to open a No-Kill Animal Shelter. I would take some vacations and see every state in the US. I would also set up a fund for my Sisters Kids so they can have college money and Make sure that If I have kids they will be financialy set for College as well


As much as I would love to help out my family and friends and give them some money or pay off their house/cars etc... There is a major problem with that and that is the IRS. If you win the lottery not only do you have to pay taxes but also pay taxes on any interest earned, and if you pay off your Parents Mortage then your parents would have to also pay taxes. The IRS will try to squeeze every penny they possibly can.


According to the IRS however you cand gift someone 13K a year without them having to pay taxes

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You almost have to give it a shot for that kind of money. If I won I'd disconnect all phones 1st and then contact the best tax attorney money can buy. Other than quit working where I do now, I have no clue what else I'd do with it. Probably travel.

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I haven't played the lottery in a long time, but I might go buy some chances tomorrow. I'd first and before anything else....finish fixing my truck and have it done the way I've always wanted it to be....performance and appearance wise. I'd pay off my house, give it to my mom, and build me a new one with a honkin garage and a basement. I would probably buy me a silver birch Silverado SS and a 99-02 regular cab silverado. Buy mom a new car and get her a pool. I'd get my brother something new to drive too (he'd probably want a motorcycle). I'd give my family abunch of money....and a few close friends. I'd also make a huge donation to our local animal shelter and a couple other places. Probably would try to open a detailing business too......just to have something to do....cause I would quit my job and I'm not the traveling type. The possibilities on what to do with that amount of money is endless.

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