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Hey guys i got my ngk tr6 iridium tip plugs in today any suggestions before i install i know people say gap them to 0.035 but i dont want to damage them. also do you really need a torque wrench to install and if so what do i torque them too?

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I put AC Delco in my truck and they print on the box that the plugs are pre-gapped at the factory. If you find one with the wrong gap, don't use it. Get another one with the proper gap. I've read many post on the site, here, that it is easy to damage iridium plugs by trying to "gap" them. I haven't needed to try, yet.


Your post got me curious and I did a search for plug instalation instructions and found this interesting link.




Hope this helps you out, some. :cheers:

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All the plugs I get i always to adjust the gap a bit. You just have to not use too much force to gap them. Even tho the box says pre gapped I have never came across a set that are perfect. I dont use a torque wrench, I just go tight and then another quarter turn. make sure to not pull the old plugs out while the cylinder heads are hot, you can easily pull the threads right out.

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Well you should crank the plugs snug with a socket. Just feel it out. You can tell when your going to far. Atleast I could. As for wires, just pop them on there. Only one I had trouble with was the passenger by the firewall.

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Ok so I got the plugs finger tight any advice on how to get the wires on easier than they were to take off?


I gave the plugs porcelain insulator's a coating of dielectric grease. (Used a Q-tip and worked some up into the boot also). Going back on was no problem. Should make them easier to take off, next time.

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Don't know a simpler way to get this info to you, so here goes.


Go to this link. About the third link down is a PDF of LQ4 spec's. I downloaded it and found the spec for new plugs to be 15 ft. LB's. It took a while to sort it out andI was in a hurry, so study it yourself and see if you find the same.




Good luck. :cheers:

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