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never know who is a fellow SS owner


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so on this past Tuesday we had a nice sunny day so I took advantage of it and rode my scooter to Jiu Jitsu. The commute to class is about 12 minutes on the weekend but on a weekday it could take up to 1 1/2 hours. The highway in question is 405, its a 3 lane road with a carpool lane. As I make my way on to the highway, the 2 non carpool lanes are completely stopped. My goal is to get over to the carpool lane on my scooter as quick as possible so I don't have to sit in the traffic. As I make my way over in the lanes a black Silverado SS decides that he doesn't like the fact that I am getting over and speeds up and damn near rear ends me. Had I even tapped my brakes a little bit, he would have blasted me. I really wish you were on this forum so I could tell you how much of an a$$hole you are.




just in case you happen to be on here, hopefully this picture of my scooter looks familiar and you speak up.



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I have a Black SS but I do everything in my power to keep from having to cross the Cascade Curtain into that zoo so it wasn't me. I did see a black SS yesterday on SR28 east/south of East Wenatchee that had window vent deflectors on it...I waved but didn't receive a wave back...might have been because I was driving my boss's piece of :censor: toyota!

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lol im the one person you dont want to cut off i go to great lengths to get infront of you and come to a full stop on whatever road. but i never mess around with bikes thats just ****ed up

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I did the same thing to a guy on a bile the other day. I was stopped on a 3 lane. Outside right lane. Guy on a motor cycle came by me on the left down the white line between me and another car. Pulled in front of me at the light and when the light changed I pushed his ass down the road whishing he would pull over but nope just ran up to 80 or so in a 40. I was more than pissed off. I know all you bike guys aren't like that but this guys I wanted to beat the shit out of.

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I've been thinking about picking up an RC8 cuz I have a buyer for my R6..... How do you like it?



as long as you stay away from the 2010 you will love it. Not a high revving bike but gobs of torque so you don't need to hit 16,000 rpms.. I have ridden damn near every make of sport bike and my KTM is hands down my favorite..

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I have a Black SS but I do everything in my power to keep from having to cross the Cascade Curtain into that zoo so it wasn't me. I did see a black SS yesterday on SR28 east/south of East Wenatchee that had window vent deflectors on it...I waved but didn't receive a wave back...might have been because I was driving my boss's piece of :censor: toyota!


I got $10.00 on it, it was Ray who ran you off the road ... LOL ... :crackup: ... J/K Ray, I had too ... lol

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