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For the Moderators out there.....Supporting membership renewal

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I haven't been able to update my supporting membership since the crash recently and haven't had any luck getting answers from anyone. I can PM other mods, but they can't PM me because my inbox is full now that my membership is lapsed. I am not going to delete PM's down to the minimum as i'd like to keep a lot of them for reference. Again, can someone please shed some light on this little secret ? Hopefully it's tucked away in the deep dark corners of this web page and i'm overlooking it. Thanks.

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The last I heard it was disabled due to the last update and they are trying hard to get it back up and running. Be patient they will get it back up asap, they also have lives outside of this site


Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

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This isn't something I tried to rectify yesterday and now in all pissed off because it's not going my way today. I've tried to ask a few different mods over the past few months with no reply. I've posted twice now in this section. I understand they have lives outside of my requests. My intent with this post is fairly obvious....if there is a MOD out there that can shed some light on the subject for myself or others having the same issue, it would be appreciated. Plain and simple. Not asking anyone to jump through their ass and sacrifice family time to give an answer. With that said, what you've added is the same thing I heard some time ago, and about the best answer I've received so far. It's not a life changing answer by any means.

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Gasemall, your concern has been elevated to the Admin level as I cannot help you. I hope resolution can achieved shortly.


I received my first and only PM from you just a day or two ago and could not reply back to you (is your in-box full)? I feel a 48hr turnaround on a question like this is fair. Unfortunately, I cannot fix your issue and will be relying on Admin support going forward. Thank you for your patience.

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