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Most efficient towing speed


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Anyone here have a lot of experience towing here? Seems like most SSS owners are mostly interested in racing...


In general is slower better? Or is there a certain speed that is most efficient?


Thanks for any replies!

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Towing is going to make your mileage go to crap any way you look at it unless you're towing something small like a lawnmower trailer or a single jet ski. I tow a 20ft bass boat and a 26ft camper, the truck handles them both very well but gas mileage sucks, literally. I get around 13-14 on the hwy with the boat and around 10-11 with the camper at roughly 60mph. The boat and trailer weigh around 2600lbs and the camper weighs about 6000lbs. My utility trailer that i tow my lawn mower on is a 5x8 with a riding mower and might weigh 800lbs I can' t tell it's there and neither can the truck.

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:withstupid: Your going to get bad MPG's towing behind the SS, thats just the way it is. The only way to not get bad MPG's when towing is to trade your SS in for Duramax. Now of course at higher speeds your going to get worse MPG's, than At lower. Its all about the RPM's.


BTW I see your also in Oregon (unless your in Portland Maine). Nice to see someone else from Oregon on here

Edited by diggerdan11 (see edit history)
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I tow a 32ft camper and it seems to do pretty good at 60-65 mph. 65 and under it will stay at 2k rpm pretty consistently and not want to downshift as much. Closer to 70mph it will be around 2300rpm and the converter will want to unlock alot more often.

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stick to 55-60 anything above that and it will shift a lot or stay in 3rd


Not trying to be a jerk here, cause your a really nice guy, and you really try and help out a lot which is great, so please dont take this personal. But you dont even own an SS, nor towed with 1 i would guess, how can you know where the sweet spots are, and arent? 4:10's pulling a trailer actually provide good grunt even in overdrive when pulling 3-4k pounds. I tow a 3800 lb aluminum river boat with a V8 in it, and it does Great. Like Tom03ss mentioned, the sweet spot is more like 60-65. The truck likes being around 2k rpm's, and will downshift much less. It takes decent hills to even need 3rd gear when pulling 3-4k pounds at 65.


sweet spot 60-65.will net ya 11-12 MPG, and the truck is at a more comfortable pace.

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Thanks for the replies guys.


chawkins- Are you buying an SS soon? Just curious why you registered on this forum. I'm not suggesting that you should have to own an SS to be here...

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I've towed a lot, and this is what I tow...IMG_1632.jpg


When I go to Bonneville, it's uphill from Omaha Neb, to the Salt Flats. 70 Mph is ok until i hit Wyoming then it gets a bit rough with the converter unlocking and dropping back into 3rd on the 6% grades in the Rockies, Tow/Haul Mode is your friend for the on-ramps. don't expect anything better than 12 mpg, and thats on the downhill return trip...

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