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disable panic button?


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Is there any way to disable this on the key fob? I don't know what it is about this key fob, but I'm accidentally hitting it all the time. It's never been an issue with any of the other cars we've owned. I don't even recall one time that I've hit it accidentally with other cars. Just in the last 2-3 months, I've probably accidentally hit it at least 8 or 9 times. A couple times in the middle of the night at a packed campsite.


I don't see why these key fobs even have that button. If I'm in trouble, the last thing I'm going to do is fumble around for my keys and look for that tiny button. lol And for women, I'm pretty sure a loud scream will get more attention than another annoying car alarm going off.

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All you have to do is fold a tiny piece of paper up and put it in between the button and the contact and it will never go off and it is very simple to do i have done it on all my fobs and everything else will work perfect!!!

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ive had this same issue, at times its really embarassing lol. Usually its when im reaching into my pocket to get my keys out. Im gonna take mine apart i guess like mentioned above, and the disable the bastard.

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