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Okay so Sunday night on are way home from the Nationwide meets here in Denver CO, My brother got pulled over, I was with him.. So you know we where like dam your going to get a speeding ticket.. The officer approached my brothers 454 SS then asked him to step out and arrested him.. My brother didnt say anything ( hes a quite dude ) Then I knew right away he was going to acuse him of racing.. so i just started recording are converstation on my Iphone and told him that we where not racing anyone.. Then he got upset with me asked me to get out and arrested and told me " I dont need anyone telling me what I did and didnts see " then he told me that my brother was going 110mph.. I laughed and told him on that part of the highway with the turns and traffic it was impossible.. So then he took out all my stuff out of my pockets and saw that I had been recording the converstation and got super pissed and said oh well you want to play that game I have an HD video of you brother racing and he took my phone and said it was going to evidance and he was going to book me in for acomplice to drag racing. He had me in handcuffs for 45 minutes till the tow truck came and told me they where going to crush my brothers truck. He also told me on how cooperative my bro was the easier things would be.. He told me that we couldnt bond my brother out due to the offense but of course he was lying about that..He did end up lettin me go


my brother said when they where taking him downtown to jail the the Sherriffs dept got upset with the officer because he didnt fill out any of the paper work correctly.. He didnt even use my phone for evidance, the officer just deleted the converstation and put it with my brothers things.


we'll admit we where going fast, but we where not racing anyone.. do you think this cop really has an HD video?? Like when we go to court and we ask them that we would like to see the video of him racing they will have it.. My understanding is when people are racing they pull both vehicles over???

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i can try and get ahold of my brother inlaw and have him look at your post and see what he says. he is a cop. but i am sure someone will get back to you faster than i can being i know there is a cops on here.


that cops sounds shady to me prob on a power trip that night. i would have laughed at him when he said they where going to crush the truck lol

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Yeah.. man... Where not trouble makers or anything.. We say yes sir and no sir.. I mean the cop did not even talk to my brother ask him for anything.. Just walked up to the truck and grabbed him.. I think he just arrested me to make a point lol

Edited by super88 (see edit history)
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sorry this happened to yall man. I've been in just about the same situation except the cop caught me doing 140mph. It is illegal to audio record someone without saying they are being recorded. So I can see where that pissed him off. Hope all goes well, sounds like he was power tripping.


And yes, a lot of cars do have video recording up on the dash. You never seen the show cops! :P


Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

Edited by TampaVmax (see edit history)
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their video starts once their lights go on so if he had his lights on "chasing" you down he could have video of you nxt to or passing another car if you take it to court get a lawyer and request/demand to see the video

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You can ask to see the tape footage all you want, unless your lawyer asks for it you wont see it. With the whole recording the officers stop, there was a new law that went into affect that makes this illegal. Im not sure if this law is active in your state but I would check on that with a lawyer. If it is in effect I would thank the cop for deleting it as you could have been brought up on charges for it.

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their video starts once their lights go on so if he had his lights on "chasing" you down he could have video of you nxt to or passing another car if you take it to court get a lawyer and request/demand to see the video

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as soon his lights came on my bro pulled over right away.. I talked to an attorney already, he said the cop messed up by deleting my recording and who needs to have evidance that we where racing.. He should this should be a winnable case but the hard part will be dealing with getting the truck back and fees..

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