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Guns in your sss


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I carry the new XDS 45 on my side... "open" not concealed.

the main reason I carry is to protect myself... sure

but think of how easy it would be to take advantage of me since I'm in a wheelchair.

I can't run, I can't fight... but I sure as hell can pull out my gun and put a hole in ya if I have to!!

I go to the range regularly. I've trained with cops. We have figured out the best, fastest, smartest way for me to protect myself.

in my condition. I don't have very many options when it comes to where I can put my gun.

I thought must of you would find this interesting

ohhh ya..... its ALWAYS loaded with 5 in the mag.... and 1 in the chambor at ALL TIMES!


Edited by K.Brown Customs (see edit history)
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