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snow plows around here


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hey guys, a guy i work withs uncle is a plow driver where i live he plows the streets of lowell Ma and made a video of him plowing... well it ended up making the news cuz he pissed off alot of people lol


here is the video he made,




and heres the news report about it



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I saw this on the news, and dude i was laughing my a$$ off, I love this plow truck driver! Reminds me of my boss but he would not make comments, just do and not say. I also do snow removal and if people do not move their cars, it is their problem simply put especially when they had how many days of warning? I cannot wait to see what happens Saturday night as Boston is going to be in some serious jelly, especially Lowell and Dracut as their getting more snow than Boston is.

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I heard he got he got fired today at noon! Either him or the company!!

On another note I love to plow cars in at school we send out emails way in advance telling you to move your vehicle if you don't its free game!! Last storm I buried a 100k gtr!!!! However I don't post a vid on you tube I just text my buddies a pic!!!!

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Little dude once stopped me and asked why i kept plowing in his driveway. I asked him where he wanted me to put it. He said the other side of the street. I noticed the guy across the street was shoveling his drive out. BIG GUY. So i got out and walked over and explained that little dude wanted me to articulate my plow and put the snow on his side. Big dude started walking over to little dude. Little dude ran in the house. End of problem.


I call it Equal Opportunity Shoveling.

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They might bring back Dogg for Demolition!! And Jesse and me to the list please, I can show you some good ones if we get hit saturday night with a foot (only looking like 6 inches of money falling from the sky when I was in the hospital earlier at 6pm).

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